Help! The system is low on memory.


cliff_622 wrote on 6/28/2009, 5:42 PM

"I dunno, I don't claim to be an expert on this, "

Yes... this we know.

lol,...funny Blink. Yeah,..All we can do is "speculate" as to what causes this.

I'm certainly open to anybody giving a better explanation of this "rare, non-problem that has nothing to do with SCS that only a small number of people experience that have nothing better to do than bitch and complain about" lol

I'm open to anyboy with a more accurate explantion as to the cause of this. Anybody?

Anbody on the inside want to reveal the answer?

I know one thing. Adobe Premiere, which I hate working in, will render everything I throw at it in XP32bit on the same hardware that Vegas32 chokes on. (and that includes tons of AVCHD) Nero never crashes and neither does TMPGEnc when encoding either.

If anybody finds the answer, I'll be the first to salute him/her.


blink3times wrote on 6/28/2009, 6:09 PM
"I know one thing. Adobe Premiere, which I hate working in, will render everything I throw at it in XP32bit on the same hardware that Vegas32 chokes on."

Is that right?

"I know that Premier Pro suffers from memory leaks, and when working in the software business, we had to code around memory leaks in Windows,"

Nero crashing

Show me an unhappy speculator on the Vegas side.... and I'll match that with an unhappy speculator on the side of ANY other nle.
Besides... I thought you said you weren't crashing anymore

Oh.... and I'll also add that the last time I tried the PP trial, I gave up after about 1/2 an hour.... kept crashing with their.... 'wonderful' color corrector
cliff_622 wrote on 6/28/2009, 7:23 PM
Not argueing any of these things you post. I agree completely.

I'm only saying this; I have not been able to crash Premiere myself. I can easily crash Vegas 32bit at any moment. Even my 32bit Vegas running inside Vista64 with 8 gigs of RAM "easily" crashes on renders. I assemble teh whole project and render out only my audio first in 32bit (because of audio plugins) and render the exact same project video in 64bit.

I'm not saying that Premiere is better, I hate it. Vegas' workflow suites me soooo much better. However, I do believe (based solely on "my" experience with it) that the 32bit render engine in PP is more stable than Vegas32 because I have not been able to crash it yet.

You are correct, I dont crash EVER in Vegas64, not even once during rendering. I'm happy today because of that. I hate Vista but I only use it for the sake of Vegas.

Is it just me or do I sense that you might now believe that Vegas has a "problem" in the rendering area? Or, do you still hold to the belief that "Vegas" itself is not causing any of these issues. (you still believe that it's something "outside" of our dearly beloved program)

blink3times wrote on 6/28/2009, 7:56 PM
"I'm only saying this; I have not been able to crash Premiere myself. I can easily crash Vegas 32bit at any moment."

And I (as well as others) can say completely the opposite... so where does that leave us?
What it SUGGESTS is that different machines and different operating skills are to blame for the vast majority of the problems.

"Is it just me or do I sense that you might now believe that Vegas has a "problem" in the rendering area?"
I have NEVER had a rendering issue that I have not been able to work out. Whether this is a Vegas problem or other is anybody's guess. You were so quick to blame Vegas itself the last time. Now you're blaming Vegas and 32bit OS's. My question is... what or who will you blame next month?

Oh... and for the record... I just finished yet another 7 hour render without a hitch.
cliff_622 wrote on 6/28/2009, 9:31 PM
"You were so quick to blame Vegas itself the last time. Now you're blaming Vegas and 32bit OS's. My question is... what or who will you blame next month?"

I have been consistant on my "blame" (as you put it) on this. Simply put Vegas has a rendering problem with the way it deals with memory. (and as you demonstrate, so does Nero and PP)

What do you attribute the problems of the crashing software that you mentioned? By your logic, if Premiere crashes, it's not Premiere's fault....and Nero, the same? If Premeire has a memory issue that causes it to crash, it needs to be fixed "inside" Premiere....and Vegas too. "Memory leaks" have been around forever,...and they are fixed by the app maker.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you and I are both using 64bit OS, right? My renders work fine in this world too. The people that are in render Hell are the 32bit folks. Everybody reading this, knows who they are.

I really wish SCS would address this issue in a public forum and put an end to this particular problem once and for all. (even if it just means changing the hardware/OS requirements)

"..Oh... and for the record... I just finished yet another 7 hour render without a hitch..."

What do you want?,..a cookie or a gold star,..a smiley face sticker? How about a nice virtual pat on the back? Dude, you and I are running a similar configuration, we are not working in the "problem area".

I think you get really defensive because you dont like anybody "complaining" about Vegas in a public forum. I can appreciate that. I'm a fan too! I went through soooo much of this render Hell for the past year+ that I had to speak out about it. Not to "slam" Vegas, but to add to the voices that are crying out for it to be improved. That's my only goal,...let's fix this and all move on making kick butt videos.

blink3times wrote on 6/29/2009, 3:13 AM
"Correct me if I'm wrong,"
Yes... I'm getting used to it....

"The people that are in render Hell are the 32bit folks. Everybody reading this, knows who they are."
You mean A FEW PEOPLE.....

"By your logic, if Premiere crashes, it's not Premiere's fault....and Nero, the same? "
Have I assigned blame anywhere in this thread? There is not enough info... or enough of a pattern to assign blame to anything.

"Dude, you and I are running a similar configuration, we are not working in the "problem area".
Which makes BOTH you and I not the best subjects to talking about this.

"I think you get really defensive because you dont like anybody "complaining" about Vegas in a public forum."
No... I get defensive when people shoot off the mouth on things that they do not know about. You don't even run a 32bit OS anymore... yet here you are... in here like a dirty shirt telling the world about Vegas disasters. Maybe it's vegas's fault... maybe they have their D. ram cranked up to lord knows what, maybe they're running a whole pile of other things at the same time.... maybe..... maybe....
You don't know the circumstance..... so stop acting like you do.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 6/29/2009, 4:54 AM

The people that are in render Hell are the 32bit folks. Everybody reading this, knows who they are.

I've gone through this thread twice and I still don't understand what the "problem" is reported to be. I'm running Vegas 9.0 on a 32-bit OS, using full raster HD footage and never had a moment's problem rendering.

What's the beef?

farss wrote on 6/29/2009, 5:50 AM
One thing that'll certainly bring V9 unglued in an instant is rendering to the MC AVC codec using 2 pass VBR. From others comments I believe this is an SCS acknowledged problem.

Aside from that I've had a couple of Vegas handled exception errors when I've pushed Vegas hard with a 4K image sequence and some compositing. More of a worry is I've had V9 decode one of the jpegs as a black frame. This was 100% repeatable. Nothing odd about that one frame compared to the others, just the position on the T/L. Turn off the upper track in the composite and the frame on the lower track decodes just fine. I've previously also rendered all of the images with zero black frame in V7.

Like many I've certainly got a few jobs out the door using V9 but I can see holes in the code easily enough for me to have to acknowledge that all is not well in V9. On large complex projects I can understand why some are tearing their hair out. One thing that does work very reliably is XDCAM EX footage, well so far at least, not everyone has the luxury of such cameras though.

blink3times wrote on 6/29/2009, 6:13 AM
"One thing that'll certainly bring V9 unglued in an instant is rendering to the MC AVC codec using 2 pass VBR. From others comments I believe this is an SCS acknowledged problem."

Absolutely. This is a clearly defined and reproducible bug.

Furthermore, SCS is very good about acknowledging issues if reported through proper channels and issuing fixes for them. I so far have run into a few bugs, reported them, they in turn have reproduced, acknowledged, and stated that a fix will be issued for the next update.

But unfounded, unsubstantiated, unproven crap like this;

thrown on top of an unfounded, unsubstantiated, unproven, maybe, maybe-not problems...... well... let's just make up a few more fairy tales shall we...
pmooney wrote on 6/29/2009, 6:30 AM
Vegas 9 has been a nightmare for me, too. Lots of crashes from editing audio on the timeline and working with plugins (Waves). No problems in V8. Render times have also lagged considerably.

I'm a fan of Vegas, but this has been two buggy software launches in a row (V8 started out horribly, too).
Jay Gladwell wrote on 6/29/2009, 7:22 AM

One thing that does work very reliably is XDCAM EX footage, well so far at least, not everyone has the luxury of such cameras though.

Good point, Bob--something I had failed to consider.

cliff_622 wrote on 6/29/2009, 1:32 PM
Ah Blicky, are prolly right. It's time I come clean,...

Vegas rendering problems are prolly just happen in my over-active imagination.

Actually, I must confess,...all the complaints you have ever seen on this forum really come form ME! I own a ton of the accounts on this forum. I log in with many names every day and make up fairy tales about render crashes and memory problems just to upset you.

It's time for me to face the FACT that there is nothing wrong with Vegas. Y'know,...come to think of it, maybe my RAM is bad, or my video card, or my USB mouse or something else in my OS is causing this. Wait,..if my hardware and/or OS is bad,...why does all that same (bad) stuff render fine in 64bit Vegas?, no,'s got to be that. Blink must be right,...It can't be the programs fault.

Oh brother,

CT : - )

blink3times wrote on 6/29/2009, 1:39 PM
Glad to see you're coming around..... Cleff.
gogiants wrote on 6/29/2009, 2:12 PM
Hello All -

Wow, this thread has taken some tangents!

I recently had memory issues when rendering with v9. I changed the number of render threads to one, and in what seems unrelated to me, changed dynamic RAM preview to 0. This enabled me to complete a range of different renders with different codecs, etc.

Interestingly enough, I am using a dual-core machine, and the renders seemed to happen very slightly QUICKER than when I was trying to use multiple render threads. Not only that, but I was able to do other work on the machine since it was not completely frozen up doing Vegas work.
CosmicNIO wrote on 6/29/2009, 3:54 PM
One more question with my new computer it comes with an upgrade when windows 7 comes out. So will Sony Vegas Pro 8 and 9 (I have both) work with Windows 7? And if you know maybe Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and CS3?
srode wrote on 6/29/2009, 6:35 PM
Vegas 8 works with Windows 7 - anything that works with Vista should work with Windows 7 really.
jabloomf1230 wrote on 6/29/2009, 6:51 PM
Good thought. If you're not using RAM previews, there is no point in giving an RAM to this component. Another rule of thumb. You should provide at least 2 GB RAM for each core. Any less than that will starve some or all of the cores for memory. What you see from this is that for best performance, a quad core PC should have 8GB RAM, at least. There goes using any 32 bit OS with Vegas, since it can't exceed the 2GB, except under x64 OSes. It will still work, but it won't be fast. If you only have a total of 4GB RAM under Vista x64, you are better limiting Vegas to 2 cores.
CosmicNIO wrote on 7/3/2009, 5:22 PM
Hey guys, thanks for all the advice! I now have my new computer and I have made 2 secsessful renders! No problems! Sony Vegas has been so smooth. Briliant thaks !!
Adrian194 wrote on 7/15/2009, 8:22 PM
I'm too having the previously reported problems of crashes when rendering. Previously was using Vegas Movie studio 9, rendering was going great with long AVCD films. Upgraded to the Pro version and it crashes after about 5% or 4GB is rendered and gives a message about running out of memory. I have 8GB memory installed. I put an SD card that I could use as extra memory with "Readyboost" and made sure there was enough virtual emory etc. Tried again and it made it further rendering up to 7GB but still crashed. I am using 32bit vista. Annoying as it worked great before and now can't seem to render my AVCD footage. I have managed to render okay with lower resolution MPEG2 for a DVD. Seems to be only with rendering to MP4/M2ts AVCD formats. May try the 64 bit upgrade of vista, but the fact that ot worked for with 32 bit on the non pro version seems to imply there's somehting not right with the the Pro 9. Unless it's coincidence
Adrian194 wrote on 7/15/2009, 8:26 PM
I noticed It does mention memory issues in the known issues section of the release notes.

"Windows Vista™ manages memory significantly differently than Windows XP. In some situations of high memory use by Sony Creative Software products, performance can suffer. The effects are more pronounced when working with media that requires large amounts of memory such as HDV.

Microsoft has released an update for Windows Vista that alleviates some of this behavior. More information on the update is available from Microsoft: "

Implies it's a vista problem that was fixed though.
FMC MEDIA wrote on 10/5/2009, 2:48 PM
sorry for my english. I have some idea. After instalation system XP Pro SP2 and other programs everything is OK. I haven't problem with rendering and "low memory". This problem is after instalation SP3 and I don't know where is problem because used RAM is only 1024MB. I have 32bit Intel Core2Quad 9550, 2GB or 4GB RAM. Vegas 9b.
Now reinstall system without SP3 upgrade.

After 2 days of war...

In my opinion the problem is the incompatibility Vegas 9 32 (and maybe 64) with the Quad processors. Symptoms: Low memory, red clips on timeline and break rendering. I have Q9550 CPU and 2x2GB RAM, Motherboard ASUS P5B Deluxe WiFi. After back to Duo E4300 everything is OK.