Ho! 160 lines of text? - What are you trying to achieve? This size of "document" in a V4 project is . . . interesting. What I really would like to now know, is exactly what the project is and what you wish the "audience" to be presented with.
I'm sure others will come up with some very good technical solution - I'm still at the "What do I want To Achieve with This?" type of position - yeah?
At least you can copy and paste an unformatted text lot to the Credit roll dialogue. I don't have Word on my multimedia PC, so I can't test with formatting.
However - the normal thing is to turn books into films, not the other way around.
Copy and paste will work fine. Formatting depends on WHICH text tool you are using. The standard text tool WILL keep the formatting. The scrolling text tool will not.
I am doing a presesentation for my class. It is mixed media. Some video clips, some sound tracks, some scrolling text that would otherwise be done as a scrolling slide in Powerpoint.
But i like to do it all in VV4.0. The end look is far more professional.
so I have 80 lines of text,e.g., "27. That's good work!" - double spaced as a *.txt file = 160 lines total. The scrolling on transparent seems to require that I add one line of text at a time. That seems very inefficient.
I know I can paste it onto a plain text media; but that dosen't scroll.
I want to talk (on the sound track) about the text as it scrolls by at a speed consistent with how fast I speak naturally. I am happy to do effects and transitions to the scrolling text (fun to do), but I don't want to type the 80 lines one by one if I don't have to.
By the way, teleprompter software is an area ripe for programmers of shareware, because the only stuff out there is either too anemic, or both anemic and expensive. Its like a island of opportunity missed by the shareware guys. All that's out there is stripped down DOS stuff.
Scrolling plain text media is very easy. After you've pasted your text, stretch the text event out along the timeline as long as you want the scrolling to last. Then click on the Placement tab in the text media generator. Move the text block down below the bottom of the frame, then set another keyframe at the end of the event and move the text block above the top of the frame. It will then scroll from bottom to top while the event plays.
"I know I can paste it onto a plain text media; but that dosen't scroll." - Well you can move a massive block of text using Pan/Crop and move the whole lot.
You could even mix up the Frames of text and have them scrolling up down sideways Zoom in Zoom out - Have graphicss flying all over the place - Have chalkboard stuff and sounds to go with it.
I did a a piece of text for a Rembrandt thing - used quite a few lines - and that worked. Now we know what yer wanna do - do you wanna try or should you and I work this up? Up to you!