Hidden INTERNAL Defaults

pking wrote on 8/17/2001, 8:33 AM
I'm just repeating info posted in the VideoFactory forum by "IMC" that applies to Vegas Video. SF probably doesn't want most users to access this feature, but they didn't do a good enough job of hiding it.

Go to the OPTIONS menu and then hold down the SHIFT key as you select PREFERENCES...

This will present the standard Preferences dialog box plus the INTERNAL tab. The INTERNAL tab permits direct manipulation of many of the VV presets and defaults. "IMC" who found this capability and posted it in the VF Forum cautions "There are many more settings in this dialog, some of them will cause the program to misbehave. So do not fiddle with them unless you know what you are doing and if you do bust something then reset the settings at startup."

Happy tweaking!


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