How can I make this script delete video and audio parts similarly?

andy-0 wrote on 10/4/2023, 6:58 PM

I'm trying to make this script delete the video parts in the same way it deletes the audio parts. Instead of deleting only one part of the audio and leaving the video parts as they are, I want it to delete both at the same time. In summary, I'm trying to make it perform the same cuts and remove both the audio and video parts

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using ScriptPortal.Vegas;

namespace Test_Script
    public class Class1
        public Vegas myVegas;
        Renderer myRenderer = null;
        RenderTemplate rndrTemplate = null;
        double QuietLimit = -3381.86;
        Timecode logOffset = Timecode.FromFrames(15);
        Timecode minDuration = Timecode.FromMilliseconds(500); // Duração mínima de silêncio em milissegundos
        Timecode minDistance = Timecode.FromMilliseconds(100); // Distância mínima para mesclar em milissegundos
        bool[,] trackStatus = new bool[1000, 2];

        public void Main(Vegas vegas, Track videoTrack)
            myVegas = vegas;


            string tempFile = myVegas.TemporaryFilesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "temp.mp3";
            string tempLog = myVegas.TemporaryFilesPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "temp_loud.txt";


            foreach (Track myTrack in myVegas.Project.Tracks)
                if (myTrack.IsAudio() && myTrack.Selected)
                    myTrack.Mute = false;

                    ProcessLog(tempLog, myTrack, videoTrack);


                    myTrack.Mute = true;


        public void FindRenderers()
                foreach (Renderer renderer in myVegas.Renderers)
                    // MP3
                    if ("adfa6a4b-a99b-42e3-ae1f-081123ada04b" == renderer.ClassID.ToString())
                        myRenderer = renderer;

                            foreach (RenderTemplate renderTemplate in renderer.Templates)
                                if (renderTemplate.IsValid())
                                    // 192 Kbps, CD Transparent Audio
                                    if ("8ab64a16-81f5-46e6-8155-1611d592088c" == renderTemplate.TemplateGuid.ToString())
                                        rndrTemplate = renderTemplate;

        public void SaveTrackStatus()
            foreach (Track myTrack in myVegas.Project.Tracks)
                if (myTrack.IsAudio())
                    int myIndex = myTrack.Index;
                    trackStatus[myIndex, 0] = myTrack.Mute;
                    trackStatus[myIndex, 1] = myTrack.Solo;

                    myTrack.Mute = true;
                    myTrack.Solo = false;

        public void RecallTrackStatus()
            foreach (Track myTrack in myVegas.Project.Tracks)
                if (myTrack.IsAudio())
                    int myIndex = myTrack.Index;
                    myTrack.Mute = trackStatus[myIndex, 0];
                    myTrack.Solo = trackStatus[myIndex, 1];

        public void RenderTempFile(string tempFile)
            RenderArgs args = new RenderArgs();
            args.OutputFile = tempFile;
            args.RenderTemplate = rndrTemplate;
            args.Start = Timecode.FromFrames(0);
            args.Length = myVegas.Project.Length;
            args.IncludeMarkers = false;
            args.StretchToFill = false;
            args.GenerateLoudnessLog = true;

            RenderStatus status = myVegas.Render(args);

        public void ProcessLog(string path, Track myTrack, Track videoTrack)
            var lines = File.ReadLines(path);

            bool foundfirst = false;
            bool FoundQuiet = false;
            Timecode QuietStart = Timecode.FromFrames(0);
            Timecode QuietEnd = Timecode.FromFrames(0);
            Timecode PreviousTC = Timecode.FromFrames(0);

            foreach (string line in lines)
                if (line.StartsWith("------------"))
                    if (FoundQuiet)
                        QuietEnd = PreviousTC;
                        ProcessSegment(QuietStart, QuietEnd, myTrack, videoTrack);
                if (line.StartsWith("              Pos."))
                    foundfirst = true;
                    if (foundfirst)
                        if (line.Length > 5)
                            string[] pieces = line.Split('\t');
                            Timecode trackTime = Timecode.FromString(pieces[1]);
                            double trackVolume = 0;
                            if (pieces[2].Contains("Inf"))
                                trackVolume = -100;
                                trackVolume = Convert.ToDouble(pieces[2]);

                            if (trackVolume < QuietLimit)
                                if (!FoundQuiet)
                                    FoundQuiet = true;
                                    QuietStart = trackTime;
                                    QuietEnd = trackTime;
                                if (FoundQuiet)
                                    FoundQuiet = false;
                                    ProcessSegment(QuietStart, QuietEnd, myTrack, videoTrack);
                            PreviousTC = trackTime;

        private void ProcessSegment(Timecode QuietStart, Timecode QuietEnd, Track audioTrack, Track videoTrack)
            Timecode startTC = QuietStart - logOffset;
            if (startTC < Timecode.FromFrames(0))
                startTC = Timecode.FromFrames(0);

            Timecode endTC = QuietEnd - logOffset;
            Timecode regionLen = endTC - startTC;

            if (regionLen > minDuration)
                foreach (TrackEvent evnt in audioTrack.Events)
                    if (evnt.Start < startTC && evnt.End > startTC)
                        evnt.Split(startTC - evnt.Start);
                    if (evnt.Start < endTC && evnt.End > endTC)
                        evnt.Split(endTC - evnt.Start);
                for (int i = audioTrack.Events.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    TrackEvent evnt = audioTrack.Events[i];
                    if (evnt.Start >= startTC && evnt.End <= endTC)

                // Cut the video track in sync with the audio
                foreach (TrackEvent videoEvent in videoTrack.Events)
                    if (videoEvent.Start < startTC && videoEvent.End > startTC)
                        videoEvent.Split(startTC - videoEvent.Start);
                    if (videoEvent.Start < endTC && videoEvent.End > endTC)
                        videoEvent.Split(endTC - videoEvent.Start);
                for (int i = videoTrack.Events.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    TrackEvent videoEvent = videoTrack.Events[i];
                    if (videoEvent.Start >= startTC && videoEvent.End <= endTC)
            else if (regionLen < minDistance)
                // Implement logic for merging here if needed

public class EntryPoint
    public void FromVegas(Vegas vegas)
        Test_Script.Class1 test = new Test_Script.Class1();

        // Assuming videoTrackIndex is the index of the video track you want to cut
        int videoTrackIndex = 0; // Change this to the appropriate index
        Track videoTrack = vegas.Project.Tracks[videoTrackIndex];

        test.Main(vegas, videoTrack);

I'm trying to make this script delete the video parts in the same way it deletes the audio parts. Instead of deleting only one part of the audio and leaving the video parts as they are, I want it to delete both at the same time. In summary, I'm trying to make it perform the same cuts and remove both the audio and video parts


jetdv wrote on 10/4/2023, 9:02 PM

First of all, on this line:

public void Main(Vegas vegas, Track videoTrack)

remove ", Track videoTrack"

And at the bottom, get rid of everything in bold. Get back to the original code in those places:

      // Assuming videoTrackIndex is the index of the video track you want to cut
        int videoTrackIndex = 0; // Change this to the appropriate index
        Track videoTrack = vegas.Project.Tracks[videoTrackIndex];

        test.Main(vegas, videoTrack);

Now put this here at the beginning of the main routine:

        myVegas = vegas;

        // Assuming videoTrackIndex is the index of the video track you want to cut
        int videoTrackIndex = 0; // Change this to the appropriate index
        Track videoTrack = vegas.Project.Tracks[videoTrackIndex];

I see you're already passing the video track to

private void ProcessSegment(Timecode QuietStart, Timecode QuietEnd, Track audioTrack, Track videoTrack)

and you've duplicated the delete audio track code to a new delete video track section so it looks like you should be removing the video events from track 0 as well. What's happening when you run it (after you make the above changes)?