How is this title effect achieved?

OldTimer wrote on 10/7/2003, 4:18 AM
I saw a foreign film the other day & thought that the effect that they used for there subtitles might look good as title overlay but wasn't sure as to how they achieved the effect. The titles were white with a black border which is easy to do. What made the titles a little unusual was the fact that thay had achieved the effect of making the black appear as it was raised up & that the white was recessed. How was this achieved?


TorS wrote on 10/7/2003, 7:41 AM
I suppose you could create a title and copy it to the next track below. Outline and make the body of the upper track characters transparent. Then save an image and in an image editor apply some sort of effect to the outline - not sure what that would be called Keep the transparency). Put the enhanced outline back on the top track and make the characters on the lower track your preferred shade of white. That might work - at least it could give you a nice title.
Otherwise, as you know, 3D is not Vegas' big thing.
SatanJr wrote on 10/7/2003, 3:32 PM
veg file

thats what i came up with from your description. You will have to edit the text on three layers to change it though.

**redownload the file, I changed it up a bit. I think it looks better now.
JonnyMac wrote on 10/7/2003, 4:45 PM
That's a neat technique for emulating a cutout effect from a typical graphics program. It took me a few minutes to figure out how it worked -- maybe it's worth a tutorial on your web site.
FadeToBlack wrote on 10/7/2003, 6:14 PM
scotty_dvc80 wrote on 10/7/2003, 7:35 PM
1 word "Photoshop"
mjroddy wrote on 10/7/2003, 11:39 PM
A more expensive word: Boris