Hey all,
I was wondering if I am the only one having issues with big projects. Right now we are working on some projects that contain lots of clips. I talk about 200 plus media events. From XAVC-i (UHD) clips, WAV files, Prores with alpha-layers. We usually run these projects from our super speed NAS over 10Gbe. But working in the project gets so sluggish, that I started testing this on different setups. So with all local files on an high speed NVME SSD. With both Intel en Nvidia GPU's, it doesn't make a difference. The issues I run into are these;
- Starting a big project takes a few minutes (even when running all files on local drives)
- Editing (timeline rubbing) gets verry sluggish. Especialy when zooming in our out. Vegas just hangs for seconds.
- By adding audio-busses and VST's I am not able anymore to render. The render dialog starts, but nothing happens.
- When rendering only video, clips got strangs jitter. I turned of GPU decode, but this gave me a offset in audio/video sync. I swapped all files to Prores versions, This helpt me to render properly, but there was a gamma inconsistency between the original XAVC-i file and the Prores file. Prores was created with Adobe Media Encoder.
So again, I am running in to this issues with all my editing systems. And I am wondering if more people experience this? I am running VP21update3.