Video cameras and DSLR cameras segment long video recordings into subfiles --
When importing a segmented recording into Vegas for editing, I select all the segments, drag them to the timeline, and the files are properly matched end to end. How do we keep them together as if they are one contiguous file - and so they will not come apart?
Meaning, when I'm editing quickly, sometimes I'll make a lateral movement with my cursor, and in the process I mistakenly shift the segment left or right. And all my edits get shredded. CTRL-Z brings the timeline back to how it was, but then I need to go back and check every edit to make sure nothing was messed up in the process -- a huge hit to productivity.
Is the only solution to first assemble the segments on the timeline, save it as a project, and then import that project into a new project for editing & effects? Most grateful to everyone here...