How to "Play All" from Sub Menu

Skywatcher wrote on 8/22/2004, 6:51 PM
Good day Everyone,

I have three Choir Songs in one sub menu in DVDA-2 and each is a seperate Mpeg. I want an option button for the viewer to be able to play them all.

Right now, if you view one, it returns you back to the sub menu. Would be real trick if there were an option to play all. Can I do this??

Thanks everyone,



Spot|DSE wrote on 8/22/2004, 7:09 PM
You want them to play separately AND play all? Easy way is to create a Play All button, which links to one of the 3, then at the end of that file, it uses an end action to go to the next one, and at the end of the second file, it goes to the next one.
Then, your 3 separate files have end actions to return to the sub-menu.

You could also create a submenu, and in the Track View for each chapter, set the chapter indexes (yellow triangles) to cover that chapter selection.
With the play all linked to one file with end actions, and the chapter indexes set for that chapter, you've got both in one submenu. And still have end actions per selection.
Skywatcher wrote on 8/22/2004, 7:38 PM
That's it!!!

That's exactly what I want to do! So you say "Play All" button with a "End Action"?! Man...SPOT, thats,

Exactly how do I do that??

Spot|DSE wrote on 8/22/2004, 8:20 PM
Double click any file's button, and it will load into the timeline, letting you know it's the loaded file. That's where you'll set the index flags. (little yellow things)
In the Object/Menu/button manager directly above, assuming you've not laid DVD Architect out differently than the original load, you'll find a little "+"symbol and the words "End Action." Click the "+" to expand the End Actions options. In the drop down, choose the chapter/menu/file/button you'd like the viewer to be directed to after they've watched that file.
Skywatcher wrote on 8/22/2004, 9:12 PM
You're a Genius...that was soooo easy! My DVD's are going to the next level...

Thanks Spot

This thread is completed.
