
Former user wrote on 10/20/2015, 5:10 PM
The default text editor in Vegas uses 1.0 as 255 and 0 as 0 (at least that's helpful ;-)

Divide the RGB value you have by 255 to get the fractional value...

To Get: 0,175,63
You'll use: 0,0.69,0.25,1.0

Note the last value is alpha. For example: 1 is solid; 0.5 is 50% transparent; 0 is 100% transparent

Note: Edited to correct 256 to 255...
SecondWind-SK wrote on 10/20/2015, 5:47 PM
Excellent. Thank you. Back to work.
videoITguy wrote on 10/20/2015, 6:29 PM
On the other hand the ProType text editor does depend on setting direct RGB values - so it depends on where you are creating the text in VegasPro.
Red Prince wrote on 10/21/2015, 10:37 AM
Sorry for being a mathematical purist, but you should be dividing by 255, not by 256. There is no 256 in the standard one-byte-per-channel RGB. Yes, there are 256 possible values a byte can store, but since they start at 0, the highest possible value stored in a byte is 255. Not an earth-shaking difference, except if you divide by 256, you will never reach 1.0 for white (255/256=0.99609375), but a difference nonetheless.

So, the corresponding values to 0, 175, 63 rounded to 3 decimal digits would be 0.000, 0.686, 0.247. Vegas may appear to change that to 0.00, 0.69, 0.25 but it only does so when it is displaying the values in the dialog. Internally, it keeps the values unrounded. 32-bit floats in general can have the precision of somewhere between 5-7 decimal digits (because internally they use binary digits, not decimal digits, but Vegas does not let you enter the binary value). To be safe, I wouldn’t go over 5 decimal digits, so I would use 0, 0.68627, 0.24706 for RGB 0, 175, 63.


He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

Former user wrote on 10/21/2015, 10:45 AM
Yep. You are correct. There are 256 values -- zero to 255 when unsigned, when signed it's -128 to 127. I'm a programmer and I should have known better. Sorry for the confusion...
Marc S wrote on 10/21/2015, 1:53 PM
Another example of how crazy it was for Sony to switch to this model for text colors. I understand that for some people it seems to be a good option but most of us work in the RGB color world and expect it to work like all other editing programs do and Vegas always did until some genius changed it.
Red Prince wrote on 10/21/2015, 4:12 PM
No problem, jdw. :-)

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

Marco. wrote on 10/22/2015, 4:49 AM
Using the "Fixes" option of SeMW Extensions you can type regular RGB values.