Huge favur to ask - are u a 5dmk2 or 7d user?

DJPadre wrote on 2/3/2010, 7:56 AM
Would anyone be so kind as to upload a 720p clip shot at 50 or 60p (preferably 50p) which i can use for testing purposes?

Ive ALWAYS been one to whinge and gripe about slowmotion using progressive scan within Vegas and I believe shooting at 50p and messing wiht the playback rate in Vegas is the only solution at this time, aside from buying an EX1 or HVX

m specifically looking for somethign wtih extended motion as I will be running tests on a variety of different playback devices

I need the raw mov files. no need to convert as Im also testing intermediate formats. Cineform seems to work ok, however render/transcode times are a nightmare
any assistance apprecaited