My GRIPE: When I am paused on the timeline (by hitting the space bar) and open a clip in the trimmer (by making a time selection and choosing "open in trimmer" from a right click) and then play the clip in the trimmer (by hitting the space bar) and then accidently clicking in the timeline somewhere to make an adjustment (that's why we like Vegas right, because everything doesn't have to STOP in order to make a quick change) and then THINKING I'm going to be pausing the trimmer clip by hitting the space bar BUT INSTEAD it STARTS the timeline playing!!! NOW I HAVE TWO THINGS GOING AND DONT' KNOW WHICH IS WHICH AND IT'S A PAIN IN THE BUTT TO FIDDLE AROUND TRYING TO STOP EVERYTHING!!! NOT TO MENTION IT'S CRASHED THE PROGRAM A FEW TIMES (ESPECIALLY IF IT'S A LOOPED NON RENDERED SECTION OF FX, ETC)!!!
We like Vegas because everything doesn't have to STOP in order to make a quick change? RIGHT? RIGHT?
I don't think you should be able to play BOTH the timeline and the TRIMMER at once because you are obviously only capable of watching/working with one at a time!!!
We like Vegas because everything doesn't have to STOP in order to make a quick change? RIGHT? RIGHT?
I don't think you should be able to play BOTH the timeline and the TRIMMER at once because you are obviously only capable of watching/working with one at a time!!!