I have a problem!!! Help!!!!!1

asafb wrote on 6/21/2002, 11:50 PM
Okay, now I'm really upset...

I created an m2v file from vegas, then erased all the video, kept the audio and created a WAVE file

I inserted them into my dvd authoring program (DVD Complete from Dazzle), and it seems for some crazy reason, that about 1 hr into the disc, the audio/video synchronization is off...it's right after a CROSSFADE....

i used 5,000,000 mbps as the average, 8 as the max.... is this the culprit folks?


asafb wrote on 6/21/2002, 11:50 PM
the synchronization problem happens in the VOB file!
Chienworks wrote on 6/22/2002, 6:55 AM
You've lost me on one thing ... you erased all the video and now you have a sync problem with the video? Ummm, what video? I think there may be more going on here than you've told us about.
asafb wrote on 6/22/2002, 11:24 AM
When I said erased all the video, I mean, on my project I have a video track and an audio track. The first thing i do is render to mpeg2 using dvd ntsc video stream only. Before I do that, i delete the audio track and save the project as "myproject-videoonly". Then I erase the video track so that I only have the audio track and save that project as "myproject-audioonly." Then I render to wave.
asafb wrote on 6/22/2002, 6:02 PM
Problem solved!! I had to download that darn DLL file.

SonyDennis wrote on 6/22/2002, 6:09 PM
No need to erase video tracks to save to WAV, it's just going to render audio (there's no speed advantage to having no video during this render).

You can also render to .m2v (or even AVI video-only) without having to erase audio tracks.

I guess I just don't understand why you're making -videoonly and -audioonly versions of your projects, sounds like a recipe for sync problems <g>.

JumboTech wrote on 6/22/2002, 6:32 PM

What would you suggest for folk who are trying to produce a project in Vegas that their boss wants to author in DVD Studio Pro? That Mac program for all its super expensive price only accepts individual audio / video files. And while I'm on the subject, why can't .m2v files be loaded into Vegas and also, when is SF's killer DVD authoring program going to be out? I'm about to buy Sound Forge on your special offer before the end of the month as I feel I'd like to support your ongoing efforts and would like to think that you could do better than the Mac stuff if you had a DVD application.


SonyDennis wrote on 6/22/2002, 9:46 PM

> What would you suggest for folk who are trying to produce a project in Vegas that their boss wants to author in DVD Studio Pro?

Sorry, I'm not the best qualified person to answer that. Perhaps SonicEPM or others have recommendations.

> why can't .m2v files be loaded into Vegas

I don't know why, you'd think they were just MPEG video elementary streams, but there must be a good explanation. I'll ask.

> when is SF's killer DVD authoring program going to be out?

Sonic Foundry, as a policy, does not comment on future product plans.

> I would like to think that you could do better than the Mac stuff if you had a DVD application.

Why, thank you, we'll take that as a compliment <g>.

pelvis wrote on 6/23/2002, 9:38 AM
What would you suggest for folk who are trying to produce a project in Vegas that their boss wants to author in DVD Studio Pro? That Mac program for all its super expensive price only accepts individual audio / video files.

-Vegas can produce separate elementary streams. Render in Vegas using the exact bitrates, frames rates, field order etc as specified in the DVDSP manual. The goal is to not have to re-encode the video (or audio), so dialing in the right settings is critical.

And while I'm on the subject, why can't .m2v files be loaded into Vegas

-Opening MPEG elementary streams is not supported at this time.
pelvis wrote on 6/23/2002, 9:40 AM
back to the original post:

You have Vegas 3.0b installed, yes/no?

JumboTech wrote on 6/23/2002, 3:16 PM
SF guys.

Thanks for your replies.
