I'm amazed.

mountainman wrote on 4/22/2004, 11:05 PM
After watching the demo's at the Sony booth, I talked to a few of the reps. I relayed a story from my past when I paid 3,500. bucks for a 9 gig scsi hard drive for my Toaster Flyer. That was for ONE hard drive. My comment to the rep was I couldn't believe the amount of complaining I read on this forum.

This program cost $500. bucks. It is in my opinon one of the best nle 's out there. Will it do every thing, No. Is it perfect, no. There are a lot of tools out there, buy one of those. Maybe we need to sit back and enjoy a product that we can buy for the cost of one small job.

Not trying to flame anyone, just the way I feel about the subject.

PS, thanks to VASST for the gathering on Wednesday.
DVDA 2 is a major step up.


Luxo wrote on 4/22/2004, 11:18 PM
I'm sure you know, it's not normally like this. There is more traffic on this forum now than I've ever seen, obviously due to the new release. On a typical day, it's just good folk answering questions, offering ideas, sharing clips and software discoveries.

Along the lines of your 9GB drive story, I learned to edit (as I'm sure a lot of us did) on a linear video editing system. When I get the urge to complain about a software issue today, I just think back ten years, and my pain suddenly vanishes. :-)
Jay_Mitchell wrote on 4/22/2004, 11:40 PM
My first privately owned NLE was a DV Master Card from Fast. I paid $3600 for it. I bought a Micronet 36 GB SCSI Array ( 4 x 9 GB Barricudas ) for a Whopping $8000 to use with it. And, They included an extra 6 GB IDE drive in my PC for $300 plus dollars.

Those, who are just now coming into this Profession or Hobby or complaining about the price of Vegas or the Upgrades will find that you can now obtain an Incredible NLE such as Vegas and HD's for a fraction of what it cost, only a few short years ago.

Jay Mitchell

Grazie wrote on 4/23/2004, 12:28 AM
Jay - You got that right! . .And yes, I love the Vegas route I've taken. I started with the £120gbs VideoFactory some 3-4 years ago. Worked this on a Dell WinME laptop with 10 gig of spare capacity; produced "paid-for" work; upgraded to Vegas 3 and onwards till now where I've gotten an ASUS 3.2 p4 with 3 drives and I'm still using the 4 external MAxtors AND the Dell laptop networked via a 10 quid cable for writing this stuff and some seperate graphics work and international comms .. . So my developement has been around an NLE suite that allows me to do my thing, in the way I want, at the time I want; within the budget that I can afford; allowing me to spend on extras for my camcorder! IT DOES NOT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS! ! ! ! Sorry for the Capitals, but this bloke is very VERY grateful to Sonic and now SONY in providing a way for me to be able to creativley express, build a business, make international contacts, be part of a community that is TRULY brimming over with ideas and be able "to give" back something to sometimes a very professional knowlege base - people who have FORGOTTEN more than I will EVER know about video and THE craft of video/fimmaking . . . I SH£T you not!!!

But this IS a Forum - and in Roman times it meant a "A Public Meeting Place without Walls" . . .so all welcome!

Apologies for the passionate wordage .. . nah not reeally sorry!

filmy wrote on 4/23/2004, 6:34 AM
Yeah I remmeber pre-ordering the 9 gig SCSI when they were first announced - 5 grand. Couldn't wait to use it on the D-Vision system. Moved the 4 gig over to the Amiga for post audio and that was a nice addition because we had been using 80mb Syquest removable drives. (one for each reel)

So is Vegas a progression from that? Yes and no. On an Amiga 2000 with Studio 16 I was able to do multi tracks, real time mixing, interface with midi mixers, input timecode (not midi TC) and output Time code - all on a system running at 25mhz with about 4 -megs of ram. On the NLE side I was able to run D-Vision out of a DOS start up on a 486DX2 with about 16 megas of ram running at a whopping 33 mhz was it? Or was it 60? I know we moved up to 75 at one point. D-VIsion allowed for EDL output in multiple formats. If you wanted a step up the introduce "D-Vision online" included deck control of both record and source sides.

So now we can do 'more' by spending less. That part is awesome! DOes Vegas blow D-VIsion away? For the most part it does. But Vegas did not start the revolution. I came to Vegas because it was as close as I could find to the workflow of Studio 16. I loved Sound Forge so Vegas was somewhat of a natural extension. NLE wise I went to Premiere after D-Vision. I didn't seriously use Vegas for editing until Version 4. I played around with it since version 1 or 2. So I think some of us in here have a right to complain if we want. Since the Sony take over of SoFo I have seen a lot more traffic come in and since Version 5 came out I have seen even more.

Vegas is like the little band you find playing to 5 people on a Tuesday night in some club at the end of a dark alley in Chinatown. You love them, they are the best thing you have ever seen, and you want them to stay your little secret. But they get more popular and than get a major deal. Suddenly everyone knows about them and all the old fans start yelling "They sold out!" and stop being fans. Well I don't think Vegas sold out, but I have seen a change since Sony took over. (I have started to hear Vegas called a finishing tool and not a NLE for one...and I rarely hear it called a DAW other than over on the audio side, and I won't even start to adress some of the elitist vibes that go on over there) For the most part those of us who take part in these Vegas-Video forums are a friendly lot and helpfull to all things film and video related, not just Vegas. It is the awesome thing about these forums - we can spew forth freely, and hey - we can even talk about other NLE's, DAW's and DVD authoring programs in a good light and not have to worry about being booted. I have even seen the SoFo/Sony team make posts about other NLEs being better a certian things. Ain't it a great thing?

Overall we are family here. We may be disfuctional at times but I personally wouldn't trade in Spot, Dr Dropout, Grazie, BIllyBoy, Edward and my other family for anything. Although 'Wife 5' had to go for a while...but sometimes that happens. ;)
AlanC wrote on 4/23/2004, 6:45 AM
>We may be disfuctional at times<

Speak self your for
JakeHannam wrote on 4/23/2004, 6:46 AM
I remember calling CompuAdd back in the mid-eighties to order a 30-MB (that's MEGAbyte) "hard on a card" drives. It was a knockoff of the old Plus cards. The sales rep actually asked me if I really wanted a hard drive that big! I think I paid about $600 for it way back then in yesteryear.


Spot|DSE wrote on 4/23/2004, 7:31 AM
Thank heaven from the disappearance of razor blades in the editing suite. (for most of us)
Summersond wrote on 4/23/2004, 10:45 AM
My first editting was done on 2 JVC VHS decks, slow and time consuming. I then moved up to the pc NLE world with an ADS analog capture card, 2-9gb scsi's, and that was good. I then found Sonic Foundry Video Factory, Vegas, and have never looked back and have never been happier!

reidwriter wrote on 4/23/2004, 11:00 AM
When I first got into this it was a Hi-8 camera and an Amiga 500 with no harddrive.
A few times I would set up a 3-d title to render, then go to sleep, then go to work the next day and come home to check on the render which would normally crash.
After being out of this side of things for a while I'm glad that I'm back and happy that I just got my new Vegas s/w. Can't wait to play :-)
dvdude wrote on 4/23/2004, 11:24 AM
Hi-8 - I don't like them new fangled cameras....

I did my first wedding on VHS (first consumer-level machines with insert edit capability) using linear editing, 2 machines and a cassette player for the soundtrack (sorry Spot...).

The footage was all shot on a single camera that used a Neuvicon (sic?) tube and an over-the-shoulder deck.

I did the "wedding album" thing by taking photographs of the raw footage with a 35mm camera (off the TV no less) and literally pasting them into someone else's wedding album. Sure - the quality was cr*p, but there wasn't a dry eye in the place on "premiere" night.

riredale wrote on 4/23/2004, 2:54 PM
Okay, since we're walking down Memory Lane, here's my first exposure to videography:

In 1968 I was a freshman at college. The athletic department had just gotten a Sony video system that consisted of a hand-held monochrome camera, connected to a 1/2" reel-to-reel VTR box the size of a small suitcase. Twice a week I had to haul it up to a crow's nest high in the practice gym in order to get a good view of the entire basketball court. The VTR must have weighed 50 pounds (I used a long rope, treehouse-style). Nothing as fancy as editing; what I shot is what they got.

That part-time job got old real fast.