I'm scared of Vegas Audio - should I be?

jmm wrote on 9/8/2000, 10:19 AM
I use and love Vegas Pro. I'm using it with a G/L 8/24
card, and I have absolutely NO problems or crashes.

I'm in the middle of a big project. I need the extra direct
x goodies that got thrown into Vegas Audio, so I've
purchased the upgrade.

Given some of the postings regarding Vegas Audio, I'm
apprehensive of 'switching horses in the middle of the

Should I be concerned?

Should I leave both installed?




tad wrote on 9/8/2000, 1:29 PM
I too was a bit sceptical of an upgrade to Vegas Audio given all of
the problematic posts I've read over the past two weeks. But, being
the technology junky that I am, I could't resist any longer and
installed the upgrade last night. I first removed my previous
version of Vegas and the installation was a breeze. I'm quite
impressed with it so far, and was surprised by the video features
left in the Audio version. Grant it, I have yet to put the program
to the test with any lengthy recordings or projects. However, my
projects generally do not exceed 12 tracks so I doubt that I will run
into most of the problems that high-end 24+ track users are running
into. I have not entered the 24 bit world either (mostly because I
don't see the point of taxing my system with larger files). All of
my previous projects seemed to load fine and ran smoothly.

I'll keep you updated if I run into any problems, but my first
impression of the upgrade is very favorable.


Mike McGee wrote:
>>I use and love Vegas Pro. I'm using it with a G/L 8/24
>>card, and I have absolutely NO problems or crashes.
>>I'm in the middle of a big project. I need the extra direct
>>x goodies that got thrown into Vegas Audio, so I've
>>purchased the upgrade.
>>Given some of the postings regarding Vegas Audio, I'm
>>apprehensive of 'switching horses in the middle of the
>>Should I be concerned?
>>Should I leave both installed?
tad wrote on 9/8/2000, 1:31 PM
One last item: It makes no sense to leave a previous version of a
program installed when installing the upgrade...I guarantee that you
will run into registry problems galor. It defies basisc Windows use
conventions. Uninstall before upgrading.


Mike McGee wrote:
>>I use and love Vegas Pro. I'm using it with a G/L 8/24
>>card, and I have absolutely NO problems or crashes.
>>I'm in the middle of a big project. I need the extra direct
>>x goodies that got thrown into Vegas Audio, so I've
>>purchased the upgrade.
>>Given some of the postings regarding Vegas Audio, I'm
>>apprehensive of 'switching horses in the middle of the
>>Should I be concerned?
>>Should I leave both installed?
PipelineAudio wrote on 9/10/2000, 10:37 AM

Mike McGee wrote:
>>Given some of the postings regarding Vegas Audio, I'm
>>apprehensive of 'switching horses in the middle of the
>>Should I be concerned?
>>Should I leave both installed?

Do yourself a BIG favor

As soon as you open 2.0 for the first time, open each one of your
current projects and use " save As " for each project, so that you
leave the originals unmolested, that way, if worse comes to worse you
can still use the older version of vegas.

If youre like me and it gets confusing which is which, I highly
reccomen that you put all the originals in a separate folder too.

That being said, you probably won't have any real problems, but by
taking this extra ten minutes, you wont be kicking yourself later

Good luck
rejdmast wrote on 9/10/2000, 10:37 PM
I had Vegas Pro and upgraded to Vegas Video. They both run perfectly
on NT sp6a.

tad wrote:
>>One last item: It makes no sense to leave a previous version of a
>>program installed when installing the upgrade...I guarantee that
>>will run into registry problems galor. It defies basisc Windows
>>conventions. Uninstall before upgrading.
>>Mike McGee wrote:
>>>>I use and love Vegas Pro. I'm using it with a G/L 8/24
>>>>card, and I have absolutely NO problems or crashes.
>>>>I'm in the middle of a big project. I need the extra direct
>>>>x goodies that got thrown into Vegas Audio, so I've
>>>>purchased the upgrade.
>>>>Given some of the postings regarding Vegas Audio, I'm
>>>>apprehensive of 'switching horses in the middle of the
>>>>Should I be concerned?
>>>>Should I leave both installed?
pops1 wrote on 9/11/2000, 1:45 AM
you can't mix (i.e. render files)in vegas audio.
that should concern you.
use vegas pro till the bug fix for vegas audio comes out.
the new features are certainly handy.
but to use them at the expense of the integrity of your rendered
files makes no sense at all.

i switched to vegas audio the day before i started a 9 day mixing
session and i was oh so very sad when i started to render my files
that i spent hours perfecting. they just didn't render properly at
all. not even close.

as i said before, i ain't no vegas hater, but i feel very let down
by SF with this current version of vegas audio.
i'm looking forward to brighter days with vegas in the (hopefully)
very near future.

john wrote:
>>I had Vegas Pro and upgraded to Vegas Video. They both run
>>on NT sp6a.
>>tad wrote:
>>>>One last item: It makes no sense to leave a previous version of
>>>>program installed when installing the upgrade...I guarantee that
>>>>will run into registry problems galor. It defies basisc Windows
>>>>conventions. Uninstall before upgrading.
>>>>Mike McGee wrote:
>>>>>>I use and love Vegas Pro. I'm using it with a G/L 8/24
>>>>>>card, and I have absolutely NO problems or crashes.
>>>>>>I'm in the middle of a big project. I need the extra direct
>>>>>>x goodies that got thrown into Vegas Audio, so I've
>>>>>>purchased the upgrade.
>>>>>>Given some of the postings regarding Vegas Audio, I'm
>>>>>>apprehensive of 'switching horses in the middle of the
>>>>>>Should I be concerned?
>>>>>>Should I leave both installed?
jmm wrote on 9/11/2000, 10:41 AM
I want to thank everyone for your comments. It was very helpful.

I ghosted an image of my c:\ and directories, so I have that to fall
back on.

The uninstall of Vegas Pro and install of Vegas Audio was about as
smooth as any software I've done lately (assembly and installing is a
part of my day job).

I'm doing the 'save as' and renaming the .veg file as I go. I didn't
get as much playtime this weekend as I had hoped. Just got to play
back a couple of rough mixes, but everything worked and all the old
plugin settings were there. We shall see.............

Thanks so much! This is a great forum.
