Import Bible Scriptures into V6

Skywatcher wrote on 1/18/2006, 10:37 PM
Hey Guys,

Is there a Bible Program out there that I can import whole scriptures into Vegas 6? Right now I am forced to cut and past one at a time. Once it is on the Text Pallet then I have to physically wrap it because it pastes as one continuous line.

Maybe there is an easier way to do it. I tried searching for a solution but this appears to be a unique situation.

Thanks guys (and gals) for your help!



TorS wrote on 1/18/2006, 11:13 PM
In short, I do not know. But you are probably lucky that you only have to wrap up a continuous line. Imagine what it would be like if the original line changes had been there and not fitted. And imagine the disappointment if you find a Bible Program that does what you want but is not based on your favoured translation ...

Probably the easyet you can do is to create a text generator preset by writing a few words (like "Bible sample") and make all the tweaks (font, size, colour, shadow, whatnot) and save as preset (type in a name (like Bible sample) and click the diskette icon). Then, each time you select the preset and paste in a quote, everything is right exept the line breaks - and they are only a few clicks away.
Skywatcher wrote on 1/18/2006, 11:19 PM
That all makes sense Tor. . .I'll give it a whirl and let you know how it turns out.

FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/18/2006, 11:26 PM
It would be HIGHLY unlikely that a program would auto-insert into Vegas. Your best bet is just to copy paste the entire section, and do what Tors said. If you want a easily copy/paste text - just do a search for Online Bible on Google, and you should be able to find a KJV version out there that you can just tell a verse to (or many verses to) and be able to get the text to put up.

Skywatcher wrote on 1/18/2006, 11:35 PM
Thanks Dave,

That is going to be the best way. I have a couple of programs that auto insert wholes books even. They work only in MS Word or similiar programs. I insert into MS Word, then copy/paste into V6.

Eventually (in time) I'll have the whole KJV saved in the text generator. Then I can share them with you all (if my HD doesn't crash).

Thanks again!
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/18/2006, 11:42 PM
Do you mean like each scripture in a .veg file? or something like that? - or chapter? or book? or what exactly. Seems like an AWFULL lot of work.

Not that I might not be interested, I do a lot for my churches video stuff.

Skywatcher wrote on 1/18/2006, 11:48 PM
As the pastor reads his scripture for the day, I add it to the video as a "read a long" sooo, it's not that much time. Maybe 5 or 6 different verses.

I open the Text Generator, then copy/paste in there. Then I wrap the text and make sure its inside the safe area and put a 50% "See Thru" Background behind the text to help it stand out.

Just looking for a faster way, that's all.
richard-courtney wrote on 1/19/2006, 6:34 AM
We use powerpoint for our big screens there are programs that
work with powerpoint such as Easy Worship.
( ) but I am not sure about getting them
into Vegas. You can download a free trial.
jetdv wrote on 1/19/2006, 7:52 AM
We copy the text (one or more verses) from a Bible program and paste it into NOTEPAD. This eliminates all the formatting from the Bible program. Next we copy from Notepad and paste into our "scripture" text preset.

Each verse is a single line of text in the preset and we must manually add carriage returns at the proper locations. We also must make multiple copies of that original generated media to then see the verses that are now off the bottom of the screen. It doesn't take all that long.
johnmeyer wrote on 1/19/2006, 8:37 AM
I've done things like this for long credit scrolls. I use Microsoft Word and use Word's "macro" facility to prepare the text so that a simple copy/paste operation is all that is needed (i.e., the macro does all formatting, etc.).
Former user wrote on 1/19/2006, 8:41 AM
I don't know if this will help, but I downloaded a PDF version of the Bible. It is laid out the same as if you were reading the pages from the KJV. IF you are interested, I will try to refind the link.

Dave T2
Skywatcher wrote on 1/19/2006, 5:01 PM
Yes I am interested Dave, please find the link for me.

It seems as though everyone is doing it similiar to the way I have.

Thanks Guys,


Former user wrote on 1/20/2006, 7:01 AM

This link should get you many options.

Dave T2
lgh529 wrote on 1/20/2006, 10:56 AM
Our church has the King James Version online in HTML format if that is easier.

New Testament is here:

Old Testament is here: