
CDM wrote on 2/19/2003, 11:10 AM
you're right. It does say that - however, I didn't think you could import ac3 files.
morphx wrote on 2/19/2003, 12:05 PM
I think that the "Audio" section on that page refers to DVDA and not Vegas.

Anyway, I think it would be VERY important to be able to add .ac3 files to the timeline. Actually, I need to! I mean, it makes sense:

I created the .ac3 file with Acid4; now, I would like to be able to use this .ac3 file in a Vegas project and mix it with a video.

So far, the only solution I've found is:
- Create a stereo version of the Acid project
- Use the stereo version in Vegas
- When done editing the video, remove the audio and render the Vegas project
- Then, I will have to use some third party product to merge the video with the .ac3

Sofo, am I missing something or did YOU miss this "feature" in Vegas 4?
Chienworks wrote on 2/19/2003, 2:42 PM
This doesn't address your original problem, but ... you could render the video in Vegas to a DV .avi file, then load this file into ACID, minus the audio track, and render the complete audio & surround sound from there. ACID does allow one video track.
MarkWWWW wrote on 2/20/2003, 9:41 AM
If you need to use surround audio created in Acid in Vegas I'd suggest rendering the Acid surround project to WAV rather than AC3.

This will produce 6 mono WAVs representing the 6 audio surround channels (Left, Right, Left Rear, Right Rear, Centre, LFE) which you can use in Vegas, panning them appropriately in the Vegas surround panner.