Input Monitor - I thought my problems were over...

PeterVred wrote on 8/25/2004, 11:15 AM
My system: AMD 1.5mhz-512mb-280Gb hddr - Echo Layla sound card.

I try to track exclusively using input monitor (5.0b). I have gone to a very small mixer in the studio and like to keep tracking & punching in simple. True, the input monitor sound is a bit "phasey", but considering the convenience is worth the trade off.

Things have been working great since 5.0b, however it seems to only work on the original tracking date.

When clients come back at a later date to dub in or correct parts, input monitor no longer works.

The sound is very digital-grungy and distorted. Usualy, the first pass will be unusually "phasey", then it degenerates into trash in the following takes.

I have check project properties to see if anything has changed, and nothing has. I thought this might have to do with updates between sessions, but my latest problem came with a session that was tracked with 5.0b, and the dubs were done within a couple of weeks.

Shutting off all things and re-starting doesn't help.

When this problem is happening, I can open a new project and everything is fine, but I can't continue an existing session.

Is anyone else having this problem?


PipelineAudio wrote on 8/25/2004, 3:31 PM
I am getting glitchy input monitoring in general.

We need to get real and get some hardware input monitoring, or at least an amazingly efficient and confidence inspiring software input monitoring setup like in cubendo, but even then Id be scared.
PeterVred wrote on 8/27/2004, 11:45 AM
Aaah, I there is no good monitoring going on anywhere huh?

Too bad, when it works, it's really handy. Not that it is ESSENTIAL, but for dropping in and fixing bad notes, it is SO nice.

I can't understand what it is with my setup that it works fine on the original sessions. It only goes down when I return to the session later on.