Insert Scene Selection Menu - Text only default

SeaJohn2 wrote on 11/15/2007, 9:26 PM
I have a clip with 45 markers. When I goto Insert Scene Selection Menu DVDA 4.5 creates each button as an image and text. I would like instead to have it default to creating each as text only. I know I can change them all after the fact, but it would be nice not to have to do so. Is there a setting which will do this?

Also, is there a way to tell DVDA not to create the labels without leading numbers? (I want 'Spring Waltz' instead of '2: Spring Waltz'.



bStro wrote on 11/16/2007, 12:03 PM
The default button style (Image and Text, Image Only, or Text Only) is controlled by the theme being used. If you want the menus to default to Text Only, then apply a theme that uses Text Only buttons or create your own such theme.

Actually, I don't think there are any Text Only themes included with DVDA, so I guess you'd have to create your own. Apply a theme you like, change the buttons to Text Only, and then do File > Export Menu as Theme. In most cases, you'll probably also want to click Advanced and change the Theme Type to "Grid."

Also, is there a way to tell DVDA not to create the labels without leading numbers?

Not that I'm aware of.

Frank Z wrote on 11/27/2007, 9:21 AM
Yeah... they need to put a dialog box here with controllable parameters. I usually create the submenu and manually edit everything. The other thing I've seen other packages do is let you scroll the chapter and find the frame you want as an image. With DVDA you have to find the frame and type it in.
bStro wrote on 11/27/2007, 10:10 AM
The other thing I've seen other packages do is let you scroll the chapter and find the frame you want as an image.

So does DVD Architect. Select the Start Time setting in the Button Properties window and click the dropdown arrow on the right.

MPM wrote on 11/27/2007, 4:14 PM
If it's of any help...

You can select all the buttons on a page (drag selection box) & change whatever attributes they share, like type of highlight, text or image or both and so on. Another thing that can save time, you can create the 1st scene selection page, copy buttons, then insert new pages (they'll use the same background), and paste buttons.

For manual background creation you can grab snapshots or clips in Vegas, then position etc for motion menus -- or for stills, Power DVD snapshots can work well... Render the DVD to hdd, open it in P/DVD, jump to chapters and save snapshot while playing. Either way import the completed backgrounds into DVDA created scene menus, select all chapter buttons, change to image only, remove image, set highlight type, then de-select & move into place individually.

Get creative in your graphics software, making (odd shaped?) selections... Can paste stills into selections, or create B&W masks to overlay in Vegas. Create (optionally feathered) borders from the selections, fill with black, save with transparent background to png, and you have a highlight mask for DVDA. You can also use filters like those for brushed image edges to create mask shapes.