
kentwolf wrote on 1/12/2005, 8:26 AM
I know for a fact that the Demo version of Premiere Pro caused a DLL error with Vegas 4.0. I'm not sure about Vegas 5.0 nor the latest version of Premiere Pro.
p@mast3rs wrote on 1/12/2005, 9:39 AM
I have not had a problem with Premiere Pro installed along side Vegas and also Avid.

The demo of Premiere Pro had a probem with a DLL but I think that has since been fixed. If you are installing the full version, you should have no problems.
Laurence wrote on 1/12/2005, 10:20 AM
Do your friend a favor and have him switch to Vegas ;-)
filmy wrote on 1/12/2005, 11:18 AM
I ran Premiere 6 and 6.5 along with Vegas with no issues. Currently have a new system and have Premiere Pro 1.5 and Vgeas - no issues. Can not speak for the demo version(s) of Premiere however.

Speaking from experience I can say it is a very wise move to have both Premiere and Vegas installed.
logiquem wrote on 1/12/2005, 1:53 PM
Speaking from experience I can say it is a very wise to have Premiere 6.5 uninstalled and seating in the dust... :-)

Thanks all for your input!
filmy wrote on 1/12/2005, 5:47 PM
>>>Speaking from experience I can say it is a very wise to have Premiere 6.5 uninstalled and seating in the dust... :-)<<<

I am sorry..maybe I misunderstood your question. Why would you ask if it was good to install PPro and Vegas and than when you get an answer you make that comment? I must have misundertood what I thought was a legit question.
p@mast3rs wrote on 1/12/2005, 5:58 PM
cuz 6.5 sucked. I am assuming he means having 6.5 in the dust and not Prem Pro.
filmy wrote on 1/12/2005, 6:59 PM
>>> cuz 6.5 sucked. I am assuming he means having 6.5 in the dust and not Prem Pro.<<<

Could be. I didn't start using Premiere seriously until version 6 and for sure 6.5. I seem to be the only person who never had issues with it - but than again, and I have said this time and time again, I also never used it "bundled" with any sort of cards. Probably 85 - 90% of the "premiere sucks" post I have ever read seem to be followed with "Will Vegas work with my Pinnacle DV500 card?" or the like.
p@mast3rs wrote on 1/12/2005, 7:03 PM
Yeah I was a sucker back then. I bought Premiere 6.5 before I realized I could have gotten an academic discount. The one thing I did like about it was dopping .avi into the timeline and not having to wait while it conformed files.I only use Premiere when I absolutely have to and usually for a small file or two. No way will I ever edit anything long in PP. Comforming files sucks. Now that I mention that, Avid still does the same crap but at least this new version is nicer.
logiquem wrote on 1/13/2005, 6:05 AM
I'm sorry Filmy for the bad impression you got from my post. It was just a kind of joke in my less than stellar english.

Yes, i *need* to install Premiere Pro (not 6.5) and fully appreciate advices i got on this. If it would not be the case, i would have never posted my question.

I will try to better put my joke tentative in context:

If i would not have the obligation to install Premiere, i would be glad to ignore it completely.

I had indeed a terrible experience with it in 6 and 6.5 versions. I paid 700$ US for a combo with a Canopus RT and much more for a computer ugrade and never been able to even finish a 30 min documentary...

After weeks of motherboard *switch* (to have "better" compatibility with Canopus hardware), a couple of complete reinstalations of everything, a costly 512 Mo Ram upgrade (just to try to load the final project, beleive it or not!), a HD upgrade to cope with the fact that mpeg export never worked at all and... *so* much time just to uderstand why 30% of what was supposed to work in Premiere (with or without Canopus card, BTW) did not worked at all...

...i finally downloaded the Vegas 4 Demo in the evening, played a little with it in the night to learn it (with aaah! and ooooh! and wow that's easy!...) re-edited all the project and delivered it in 2 days without any hassle!

This is not another promotionnal story or something, this is the plain real story! I use Vegas for every situations in my multimedia studio since and Premiere 6.5 collect the dust...

All collegues with Matrox stuff got similar, even worse, experiences. Why Premiere remains a popular soft after so bad product history just escape to me, really...

filmy wrote on 1/13/2005, 8:53 AM

>>>Why Premiere remains a popular soft after so bad product history just escape to me, really...<<<

I think it is because Premiere is good, and that it has a bad history with "bundles" and so forth. FWIW it was never taken all that seriously overall until version 6 and 6.5. But also relize that on the Mac side Premiere is slightly different bird and may just work 100 times better than on the PC side. I hadf limited use on a MAC and one of the things that just blew me away was when quick time added SMPTE with OCR support. You could load up footage that had a TC Window Burn and edit away in Premiere (I think this was around verison 4) and than dump out an EDL via Quicktime OCR'ing the window burn. Damn cool. However the never made it into Quicktime for Windows. Beyond that I go back to what I said before - seems like most of the issues came from PC users with "bundles". (And even you just pointed that out - paid 700$ US for a combo with a Canopus RT , After weeks of motherboard *switch* (to have "better" compatibility with Canopus hardware)... and All collegues with Matrox stuff got similar, even worse, experiences ) I considerd getting some of these bundles but heard do many negative things about the actual hardware I never did. Software has been great to me though...does what it should, doesn't crash and allows for standard EDL import and export.

And with Vegas, because it never tried to be tied to any hardware, of course you can load it up and it works. Part of my point is that if you take out the hardware with Premiere it is more or less the same - it works. Because of a new system I upgraded to PPro, leaving Premiere 6.5 behind and it is very nice. However it is still Premiere - so on the one hand as you have a dislike for Premiere already I don't see you getting around that. however if you need to be more compatable with your client or other producers who do use Premiere than you really should get it. It causes no issues with Vegas (Nor did Premiere 6 or 6.5) and in ways is actually a lot nicer than Vegas, for example when you have to change sequences within a project. People have asked for nested timelines in Vegas but Vegas 5 did not have them (not in the way people were asking for them), PPro does have them and they are sweeeeeeet. That feature would have saved me many hours of work had I had it in Vegas.

But to me the strong point of Vegas Vide / Vegas is the audio. Always was, and it was th emain reason I ever tried it. The video editing is sort of a little bonus that keeps getitng better with each version. Now Vegas is a very nice finishing tool, and at the level I think it is a must have.