Interesting observation re: VV3 & Ultrafunk 2

edna6284 wrote on 10/26/2002, 5:31 PM

Just in case you've experienced this:

I've been getting a lot of breakup on certain projects lately. Which is odd, considering that often we're talking about 8 or 10 track projects on a 1.7 GHz P4 with a dedicated 40 GB audio hard drive. Really light work, relatively speaking.

Anyway, I finally narrowed it down to Ultrafunk's Wah-wah plug-in, when used in "triggered" mode as a track effect.

The wierdest part was that the stuttering only began when there was nothing going on in the track (ie: between events)! When the timeline hit some audio, everything went back to normal.

It was so counter-intuitive that it took me a while to figure this one out. I was looking for places where the system load would be increasing, but this was the opposite situation. Even if there was only one other event playing, the timeline started to jitter as it played and I'd get breakup.

Anyway, if anyone has come across this I'd be interested in knowing. I'm on 98SE so it might be a very isolated thing.

By the way, the Ultrafunk plugs are excellent...I just have to make sure I print my triggered wah effects to a new track and mute the original track that has the plug-in running on it before moving on.

Cheers, DE


RikTheRik wrote on 10/26/2002, 5:58 PM
That is probably a normalisation bug. They are pretty common and you should write Ultrafunk to inform them about this problem.
Anyway, why don't you update to Ultrafunk FX 3 ?
edna6284 wrote on 10/27/2002, 1:09 PM
I haven't looked into it but I will once I've got the funds! Thanks for your feedback...DE
Jacose wrote on 11/1/2002, 11:50 AM
Ultrafunk 3 has the same problems!!!

YO you have the same processer as ME!!!! Ultrafunk 3 roccckkkked my system!!!

heres some links on denormalization for ya....
edna6284 wrote on 11/1/2002, 1:00 PM
Holy cow, I didn't realize that I wasn't alone out there!

You wouldn't believe what I've been through trying to correct this problem...I completely checked and re-checked my system and OS settings, even bought another 512 MB of RAM in trying to fix it. I kept asking myself, "why is my computer, which should be able to handle dozens of Wave-type plugins, choking up on some small project with only a few plugs running?"

It seems like such a simple fix: When the audio is at about -150 Db, make it equal ZERO. There's nothing down there to hear!

Thanks for the link. I don't think I'll use the solution provided, I'll simply print the effects if I really need to use the plugs that do this.


Jacose wrote on 11/1/2002, 11:18 PM
I truly wish there was some sort of fix that intel could provide for us audio users.
pwppch wrote on 11/2/2002, 3:25 PM
This is not a FPU error according to Intel, so there is no fix.

The solution is in the software - plugs in this case. We do everything we can on our side to prevent denormals from occuring. If a plug somehow doesn't cope with them, then there is little we can do.

With VSTis, it is completely out of our hands, as we sent MIDI events to the plug, not audio streams.

ultrafunk wrote on 11/3/2002, 5:28 AM
Hi All,

Just wanted to let you know that this bug (the denormalization problem in the fx:wahwah plug-in) has been fixed in the release 3a (R3a) update that you can download from our website here:

The release 2 fx:wahwah plug-in has this bug, but it will not be fixed I'm afraid since that release no longer is being actively developed.

Kind regards,

Rune Johnsrud
producer |
Jacose wrote on 11/3/2002, 11:25 PM
thanks guys!!!
I absolutely LOVE your plugins, thats why I got real mad when they went denormal on me!!! I MUST DOWNLOAD THE UPDATE!!

(does this mean all the plugs are denormal free??)
ultrafunk wrote on 11/4/2002, 7:13 AM

As far as we know there should be no P4 denormalization "bugs" in any of the R3a plug-ins. From release 3 to the R3a update we fixed denormal problems in the fx:gate, fx:modulator and fx:wahwah plug-ins, so you should have no problems.

Thanks for the great feedback!

Keep up the good work,
