Interlace Nest Checking in VP11 700/701 & VP12? Grazie wrote on 9/27/2012, 11:46 PM Hi Gang, could some kind soul check Interlace Nested Renders coming back as Progressive with reference to this thread Here's a method for checking. Hopefully this IS good news as well. Cheers Grazie Back to post
Comments Grazie wrote on 10/28/2014, 2:49 AM Thanks Nick. G johnmeyer wrote on 10/28/2014, 9:58 AM Nick, Thanks for taking the time to test this and verify that it was fixed. I just re-read (well, skimmed) this original thread. We sure did spend a lot of collective time chasing this one down. Previous page 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 of 4 Next page 4