Hi All,
Yes, I know you can adjust the size of the panel in which you view thumbnails of clips, but, is there a way to make the individual thumbnails larger? Kinda' like you can do in Photoshop.
With the mouse pointer in the thumbnail window, Control + mouse wheel enables thumbnails to be enlarged from the original size and then decreased back to their original size - in VP12 & 13 anyway.
VP doesn't remember the adjusted size on closing and reopening the program, so you'll need to reset the size each time you open VP.
I was also going to add Media Manager as an option, but decided that explaining that would be far too long winded, and that it was better to have less description than more.
For anyone reading this in 2023 or later, Ctrl + mouse scroll works in the Project Media view as well. No idea how many versions this has been the case, but in over two decades of using Vegas, this is the first time I have ever needed to expand the thumbnails! Disappointingly, the thumbnail size still does not persist as a global Vegas setting, nor as a per project setting.
I actually spent five minutes going through every option in the Project Media (and Explorer) tab - I was convinced I'd seen a slider that changed the size of thumbnails. I must have been thinking of a different NLE! In this age of high DPI and ultrawide monitors, I would have thought this a very useful feature - that being said, this was the first time I needed it (to read the text on some title plate graphics). As I plough into my myopic sixties, no doubt that need will grow :-)
@Grazie ... many thanks. I discovered the problem. Since having just installed a new C drive and reinstalling everything, I needed to add Vegas Pro to M3's 'Apps' and then assign 'zoom in/out' as the 'Action' for the horizontal wheel. That wheel is now zooming in/out on both VP21's Project Media and Explorer windows.
Thankfully, I don't have to do a reinstall very often (it was about every 6 months back in XP days) because there's always a few things that I've missed/overlooked. Even this morning, I had to swap the new NVMe back to the original because I'd forgotten to copy VP's custom Render Templates in C:\User\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Vegas.