
Ted_H wrote on 5/23/2003, 10:34 AM
Press the 'End' key to go to the end of the project. The 'Home' key will return to the beginning. The 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' keys will go to the next or previous grid line, and holding the 'Ctrl' key and pressing the left or right arrows will go to the previous or next marker.

SonyJEV wrote on 5/23/2003, 12:00 PM
To elaborate a bit as to why your keyboard shortcut disappeared: 'E' now cycles through showing/hiding plug-in ('E' is for envelope <g>). Shift+E cycles in the other direction.

'W' and 'E' are used in some other audio software so we followed suit until we had another use for these keys. Since there is duplicate behavior with other, more standard, keyboard commands and we're running out of keys we took the 'E' key for a new purpose.

Also, Home and End actually move the edit cursor to the beginning and end of the currently visible part of the time line. Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End move you to the beginning and end of the project.

Shmuel wrote on 5/25/2003, 1:09 AM
Just change the help file of v4 to the new shortcuts.