I just have to give credit, where credit is due. Using my beloved UAD-1 plugs in Vegas 4/ACID Pro 4 & Sound Forge 7, is a joy to use, with full plugin delay compensation that actually works, with just about any plugin you throw at it. Even using the SIR plugin (wrapped with Cake's own latest, no doubt. This very latest version even give PDC to VST plugs), on an AUX Bus, along with (6) UAD-1plugins, I can set a project to loop a small (2) measure section and the PDC is still sync accurate and tight even after letting it ride for thirty minutes. In this same scenerio, SONAR 2 or 3 drops out, after the end of the first loop point. At best, SONAR will start to lose it's PDC before slowly crapping out and this is with just one UAD-1 plugin and/or SIR in a project. I have used up to (11) PPI's and even the SIR on an AUX BUS, in my Vegas 4/ACID 4 projects and they NEVER lose their PDC. Virtually, with any plugin, the PDC just works. That can't be said for Cake's SONAR. I do remember over the years that Peter H and Ron K would have some spirited discussions over which was the proper way to use and implement DX plugins in a host app. Something about using "in-place buffering" or not. One of the reasons some Cake effects don't work right in SONY apps and vice versa. Well, after comparing the way the two implement it's PDC, I guess we know who was right after all :)
Yes, using my UAD-1 & SIR plugs in Vegas 4/ACID 4 & SF7, with full working PDC, even with project looping enabled, is a pure joy!
Billy Buck
Yes, using my UAD-1 & SIR plugs in Vegas 4/ACID 4 & SF7, with full working PDC, even with project looping enabled, is a pure joy!
Billy Buck