Not sure if something has changed in the pre-rendered section of files.
Normally they are in small chunks along the T/L, but today I had a long one of over 5 minutes long over loads of small clips and the end of the video. In the past it lot's of small ones, so whats happened.
Z - Over the past 48 just did a 2:30min very small project. It created these small Pre-Render files chunks. No problem. Have you recently upgraded to v4.0e? I'm still on V4.0d . . .?
Z, try Pre-Rendering small chunks .. maybe 2 mins long and see if you get the even smaller small chunks you got before - yeah? I think that was what I was driving at before. Maybe by Wednesday when we may bump into each other you'll have had some success. I do like PR, it gives me a "better" view of what I've done . . AND it makes for a smoother render to New Track AND Print from T/L work better - yeah?
Hi, yes I have upgraded to E, it has done It again, a nuisance really as if there is a Cheng in the middle the whole lot un-renders. They are normally 12 seconds each i think.
Just re-worked a piece that had a 2 minute continuous render above it, then re-rendered again and it did it in small chunks.
Would the Quantize frames have any bearing on this, as it was on..