Live DJ mix

datman wrote on 7/10/2012, 8:27 AM
Hi guys I post up every few years with a question. I’m totally a hobbyist. I record live DJ mixes and sometimes I mic the room. I capture 4 channels in 24/96 the one I’m working on now is 6.25 hours long.

I was just looking for a few ideas on how to process and mix the mic-ed room noise with the mains. I used plugin chainer and play with track compressor, I sharply eq-ed the crowd noise between 600 to 1.5 kHz as to remove most of the room music.

I didn’t like my 1st render. It had a tin can sound, kind of like a rave recording. I played around again and synced it a little tighter changed the eq and compression slightly and lower the room gain.

Are there any other plugins I should try for this type of master?


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