Live Save corrupts project files when editing from a cloud folder

SilentNight wrote on 12/22/2023, 5:53 PM

Today I got going on editing a project out of a folder synced to my Nextcloud instance using the Windows client. For those unfamiliar it works very similarly to how OneDrive does. It worked for awhile but it's a huge project so eventually I got a normal crash (unfortunate that crashes in Vegas are normal). After that I decided to enable Live Save so I could quickly resume if I got a crash. Eventually my Nextcloud gave a file conflict error saying the local project file and server project file no longer matched. Confused I kept both files and stopped working and closed Vegas. Then I tried loading both project files and they both gave "An error occurred while loading the project" and something about an unspecified error.

Luckily I had project backups. My thoughts are that this has something to do with trying to save over a file back to back too quickly (like making two edits real quickly) and how cloud stuff works on Windows. I'm curious if this happens with other cloud services. I'm about to try Archive Real-Time Backups instead of Live Save.


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