I'm trying to change a .vob to .mpg for Vegas and DVDA to read it - seems like the file extension is locked and uneditable and I can't find a way to unlock it?
Anyone more computer savvy that could answer why this is the case?
Open Windows Explorer, browse to that window, go to "Tools - Folder Options", click on the "View" tab, uncheck the "Hide extensions for known file types" checkbox. Now you should be able to see the file extension and change it.
Umm depending on how uncomputer savvy, select is single left click and go to properties is right click the file and select "properties" from the drop down list.
I'm computer-dumb, but not that dumb... - we'll try the hidden extension or read only.. - client is in Kansas so everything being done over the phone... I'm not computer brilliant and he's much less knowlegable than I am....