Looking For A Helping Hand

Relldaproblem wrote on 12/21/2011, 7:03 PM
Hello all. I'm new to this forum and video editing.i'll be around this forum alot to gain knowlegde and i have a ton of questions.I'm currently running vegas movie studio hd platinum 11.I'm playing around with some stock footage that i've obatined though a website. When i insert the footage on the time line it comes in as a green block.This has happened with multiple footage from this website. As some footage comes in as regular and the others don't.When i try to play the footage from the time line everything will run fine until it hits those green blocks where it will get choppy. I understand it may be where i'm getting the footage from but im curious.So my question to yall is. What is the cause of these green blocks? Is there a way to fix them? and what kind of affect do they have on the project?

The clips propertys are HD 1920x1080 23.98 fps (10.30sec) this is the info from the website.
When i view it's info in my explorer window though vegas it says. Video:1024x576x12,23.980 fps progressive,00:00:10:06, AVC.

I'm going to try to unload a picture of it for better understanding. Any feed back would be appreciated.

copy.jpg picture by relldaproblem - Photobucket


Chienworks wrote on 12/21/2011, 10:21 PM
My experience has been that an occasional green frame means the video data is corrupted in that section and unrecoverable, though further along in the clip the video may return and be usable again.

Red frames usually fill the entire clip and indicate that the file structure itself couldn't be read and the whole thing may be a loss.

You could try using something like VirtualDub or VideoRedo to copy the file to a different format and then see if that will open in Vegas.
Relldaproblem wrote on 12/22/2011, 11:50 PM
I belive that may be the case.I tryed rendering the footage and when i did that it seemed to work fine.i appreciate the feedback. and im going to look for that virtual dub and redo programs.