Looking for Cineform in Vega 9

Paul_Holmes wrote on 12/31/2009, 11:26 AM
I just did the end-of-year special and upgraded to Vegas 9 from 7. I downloaded the trial while I wait for the DVDs from Sony to arrive and I notice there's no option to render as Cineform files in the trial. 9 does play my earlier converted Cineform files just fine.

So, the question I'm asking is, when you install the paid version of Vegas 9 will it include Cineform AVI rendering in it's templates?

Or perhaps I need to uninstall 9 when the paid version comes in the mail, uninstall NeoScene, re-install NeoScene, then 9?

Anybody shed some light on this?




BudWzr wrote on 12/31/2009, 12:48 PM
What end-of-year special? Where is that?
PerroneFord wrote on 12/31/2009, 1:00 PM
Cineform went away with Vegas 8. If you want it, you have to purchase it separately now.
Paul_Holmes wrote on 12/31/2009, 1:10 PM
I believe the special ended last night, $150 to upgrade plus a training DVD.

Thanks for the replies. I do have the Cineform Neo, latest version. Maybe when I get the DVD for Vegas I'll have to uninstall everything, install Neo, then Vegas 9.

But for those who use Cineform, I guess what I'm asking is, once I have 9 installed and Cineform installed, will templates show up in 9 so I can render and re-render to Cineform, or do I have to choose some other template and then use Cineform as a custom codec from the drop-down list?

PerroneFord wrote on 12/31/2009, 1:24 PM
It's usually in the .AVI template, and a codec within it, if I remember correctly.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/31/2009, 1:36 PM
> Cineform went away with Vegas 8

Actually, If I remember correctly, Cineform went away with Vegas Pro 9.0 and if you still had Vegas Pro 8.0 on your PC when you upgraded, it worked in Vegas Pro 9.0 32-bit as well.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/31/2009, 1:40 PM
> once I have 9 installed and Cineform installed, will templates show up in 9 so I can render and re-render to Cineform, or do I have to choose some other template and then use Cineform as a custom codec from the drop-down list?

You have to create your own templates using the Custom button. If you still have Vegas Pro 8.0 installed they may show up under the 32-bit version of Vegas. Since you have NeoScene all you have to do is create the templates that you need. I started with the Sony YUV templates and just changed the codec to CineForm and renamed them. That was the easiest way to get up and running quickly.

PerroneFord wrote on 12/31/2009, 1:48 PM
Oh ok.. maybe that's what it was... I'm getting old.. my memory is fading.
Paul_Holmes wrote on 12/31/2009, 2:01 PM
Thanks, JohnnyRoy, exactly the advice I needed to hear!
