looking for ways to increase the tool bar size

rcflyer wrote on 1/7/2025, 8:31 AM

I'm new to Vegas pro 22 . to say i really like it is an understatement . I'm running a 32" monitor with a resolution of 2560x1440 and a scale of 125. with that high of a resolution the icons on the tool bar on the bottom are really small . i have tried to decrease the resolution and up the scale but with mixed results inside and outside of 22 . is there ANY way within 22 to adjust the icon size or resolution? thank you .

  • Desktop
  • ASUS z390-E gaming strix ROG motherboard
  • 32 GIG 3000mHz ram
  • I9-9900k Processor
  • MSI GTX1660 super gaming-X GPU
  • NVMe m.2 500 gig WD HD
  • 600W EVGA power supply
  • windows 11 pro
  • Camera : Canon VIXIA HF-G50 - Canon EOS Rebel T5i
  • Yuneec typhoon 500Q 4k multirotor


Steve_Rhoden wrote on 1/7/2025, 9:52 AM

Sorry, no solution for that really possible at the moment in Vegas 22.

rcflyer wrote on 1/7/2025, 1:14 PM

Sorry, no solution for that really possible at the moment in Vegas 22.

Thank you steve


  • Desktop
  • ASUS z390-E gaming strix ROG motherboard
  • 32 GIG 3000mHz ram
  • I9-9900k Processor
  • MSI GTX1660 super gaming-X GPU
  • NVMe m.2 500 gig WD HD
  • 600W EVGA power supply
  • windows 11 pro
  • Camera : Canon VIXIA HF-G50 - Canon EOS Rebel T5i
  • Yuneec typhoon 500Q 4k multirotor
rraud wrote on 1/9/2025, 10:35 AM

Not a solution, but a work-a-round (sort of). I set my 4k monitor to1080 and increased the PC's display DPI to 175% and adjusted the Vegas shortcut /Properties> Compatibility> Override 'system enhanced high DPI scaling'. It is not a perfect solution and a few adjustments are off-screen