Losing track list after creating image file

code404 wrote on 11/14/2003, 1:03 PM

V: CD Architect 5.0 build 93
OS: XP Pro
H: Dell 8300

I have a music CD that i've put together, and to make the music seamless I put in crossfades between the tracks. Everytime I create an image of the file (to avoid buffer underruns) I lose the track list. Instead of 16 songs I show 2 songs.

Anyone else seen this?

In the original .cdp project, if I burn a disk and click on the 'render temporary image' box, the disk burns fine.


thanks in advance.


mnickolas wrote on 11/29/2003, 1:11 PM

Did you ever figure this out? I could use help with the same....
mnickolas wrote on 11/30/2003, 4:27 PM
Well, here I am responding to myself, but in case anyone is interested- I played around with it and it seems to be a bug, as I can duplicate each time using the same step by step. Basically, if you do not check the "Create tracks" box from the Open Media dialog box when adding your media, saving as an Image file will disregard any track information you add later. Check this box, and saving as an Image seems to work correctly, even if you delete, rearrange tracks or etc.

Here is the step by step:

1 File | Open Media
2 Add three .wav files, for example C:\Windows\Media - The Microsoft Sound.wav, Logoff.wav, Tada.wav. Check the "Add to timeline" box, DO NOT check the "Create tracks" box.
3 Choose Tools | Create Track List from Events. Note that three tracks have been created
4 Choose File | Save As, type CD Architect Image File
5 File | Open and load in the Image File just created

Result- Only one long track exists instead of the three expected.

Follow the steps again but this time do check the "Create tracks" box and note that three tracks are created correctly. Sorry if this is a known bug, I didn't see any mention of it on the forum. Any comment from Sony support is welcome.

Michael Nickolas