MainConcept - User Definition Button not active

hubi1512 wrote on 12/10/2009, 4:32 AM
I just bought a VMS Platinum 9 and wanted to render a project with the MainConcept-MPEG-2 Plug In and the button to make user defined changes to the render parameters is not working. It is swiched off. For all other render options/plug-ins it is working.
Does any one know the reason?
Do I need a special licence for this MainConcept plug in?



jetdv wrote on 12/10/2009, 7:37 AM
Yes. The reason is that you have Vegas Movie Studio. This is one of the differences between Vegas Movie Studio and Vegas Pro. In Vegas Pro, that option is available.
hubi1512 wrote on 12/10/2009, 8:32 AM
thanks for the quick answer, I already thought it.....
Could I buy anywhere just a plug-in? Some recommendations?
And how do I get a plug-in installed in VMS?
musicvid10 wrote on 12/10/2009, 9:01 AM
The cost of purchasing the MainConcept MPEG-2 codec separately is roughly the same as the cost of upgrading to Vegas Pro, which includes the plugin as well as MainConcept MP4. In fact, that license is a large part of the difference in cost between versions (imagine that).