
Steve Grisetti wrote on 3/16/2005, 1:30 PM
Is that different than how other (commercial) DVDs perform when you use the arrow keys?
gogiants wrote on 3/16/2005, 1:57 PM
You've run into a limitation of DVD Architect Studio. The full DVD Architect allows you to specify the navigation order by telling it which menu item to jump to when each arrow key on the remote is pressed. Very nice.

With DVD Architect Studio, as near as I can tell, the navigation order is determined at least in part by the order in which you place the objects on the screen. By that, I mean the chronological order in which you place them on the screen, not the location on the screen. Which, of course, is a bummer if you go back and rearrange things on the screen, add things as you go along, etc.

The crazy navigation order bugs me enough that I'll typically try to stay careful about the order in which I place things
dongna wrote on 3/16/2005, 4:33 PM
Thanks for the reply, gogiants.

Strangely, while fiddling around with it last night, I discovered that by making all my menu items (which are text-only and happen to be arranged vertically) the exact same width, the sequence is as would be expected. The downside of this, of course, is my selection indicator extends far beyond (to the right of) the text. Not that big a deal, I guess.

Maybe I'll stick with DVD-Lab for DVD authoring, which gives control as you described in full DVDA. If only Vegas / DVD Architect wasn't so darn expensive I'd upgrade in a second.
IanG wrote on 3/17/2005, 12:46 AM
>Maybe I'll stick with DVD-Lab for DVD authoring

Just out of interest, why would you use DVDAS if you've already got DVD-Lab?

Ian G.
dongna wrote on 3/17/2005, 5:35 AM
Because a) DVDAS does 95% of what I want and I find it easier to use overall, b) DVDAS has nice integration with Vegas Studio, and c) I haven't paid for DVD-Lab yet (still evaluating the trial version) whereas I have already paid for DVDAS.
IanG wrote on 3/17/2005, 6:21 AM
>I haven't paid for DVD-Lab yet

That's a killer argument!

Ian G.
jtuffen wrote on 3/17/2005, 7:50 AM
"With DVD Architect Studio, as near as I can tell, the navigation order is determined at least in part by the order in which you place the objects on the screen"

I managed to re-order a menu recently - there is a 'move forward/backward' option on one of the menus... I'm at work, so can't be more definitive unfortunately :)

dongna wrote on 3/17/2005, 10:31 AM
>> I managed to re-order a menu recently - there is a 'move forward/backward' option on one of the menus... I'm at work, so can't be more definitive unfortunately :)

I've tried the move forward/backward option and it didn't seem to have any effect.

Last night, I took my same-width text menu items (which work in the proper order) and made them different widths again-- and the menu sequence got all scrambled up again! When I made them the same width again, the sequence was correct.

Makes no sense, but that's my experience.