Mix CD Title...??

StewartB wrote on 1/15/2005, 8:53 AM
I have used CD Architect to insert track marks into a dj mix and have then burnt the mix straight to cd using the burning tool. All fine...however...I cannot find a way of naming the cd i.e. when the cd is inserted into a pc it displays as "Artist/Album Unknown". Is there a way of doing this? Any help greatly appreciated.


stolpe wrote on 1/16/2005, 3:44 AM
Check out the postings about CD-text in this forum.
Sadly CD-Architect doesn't support this feature at the moment.
Geoff_Wood wrote on 1/16/2005, 6:09 PM
It's nothing to do with CD-Text . The function you want is CDDB , an internet-based database that PC apps look up for CD details. You can enter the data yourself. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CDDB

Yes, CD-Text would be great too.

StewartB wrote on 1/17/2005, 6:07 AM
Thanks...looks like that's the one....do you have any idea how to enter the data? Read it through and it went straight over my head.
