I read the following in the Samplitude newsgroup regarding
the reason they use 32bit files instead of 24 bit. Does the
same hold true for Vegas? Would we be signifigantly better
off using 32 bit float files instead of 24 bit?
"Any conversation between 24 int and float produces small
data loss, even when dithering is used. Thats why we use
float also in the files. This way absolutely NO data loss
occurs and we have headroom above 0 dB!
Cubase, Sadie etc.: 24 bit file -> 32 bit float processing
(small loss) -> volume setting -12 dB -> back to 24 bits -
result is 22 bits audio and 2 times of conversation loss.
Samplitude: float file -> 32 bit processing (no loss) - >
volume setting -12 dB-> back to 32 bit file (no loss) - >
result is 32 bit float resolution, no bit loss, no
additional dither noise etc..."
the reason they use 32bit files instead of 24 bit. Does the
same hold true for Vegas? Would we be signifigantly better
off using 32 bit float files instead of 24 bit?
"Any conversation between 24 int and float produces small
data loss, even when dithering is used. Thats why we use
float also in the files. This way absolutely NO data loss
occurs and we have headroom above 0 dB!
Cubase, Sadie etc.: 24 bit file -> 32 bit float processing
(small loss) -> volume setting -12 dB -> back to 24 bits -
result is 22 bits audio and 2 times of conversation loss.
Samplitude: float file -> 32 bit processing (no loss) - >
volume setting -12 dB-> back to 32 bit file (no loss) - >
result is 32 bit float resolution, no bit loss, no
additional dither noise etc..."