
rocketdude wrote on 6/3/2010, 1:49 AM
I'm not native English, so please excuse for me for my bad grammar when you find it. If tyou don't get what I mean with the "taskbar", I think of the blue bar at the bottom you see in win XP.

In fact, Track motion doesn't open at all, no matter how many times I click the icon or choose tools -> video -> track motion, it doesn't show up. Everything else is working perfectly.

This happened yesterday, suddenly.

I really hope there's other solutions than reinstalling Vegas... :-/
Tim L wrote on 6/3/2010, 4:47 AM
Any chance it got "docked" with the tabbed windows? Or any other window? If you accidentally drag and drop a window it can get docked with other windows.

Still, clicking on Track Motion should bring it to the front of whatever group it got docked with.

Another possibility is that is has been dragged off the edge of the screen, to the point that just a row of pixels shows for it. But offhand I don't know an easy way to locate it.

Does VMS have a way to restore the default window layout? In Vegas Pro, click View > Window Layouts > Load Default Layout.

Tim L
rocketdude wrote on 6/3/2010, 7:14 AM
Well sir, it was hiding behind the taskbar. Had to minimize the taskbar, and drag the track motion window up.

Never seen anything like this before.

Thanks for helping, Tim!
DarrylM wrote on 6/3/2010, 9:23 AM
I recently had a similar problem with a video fx panel. jetdv gave me this solution that worked for me: "Look under the "Start" bar at the bottom of the screen. Set the Start Bar to auto hide and you'll find it there." I now leave the task bar set to auto hide.

lovelyclana wrote on 7/9/2010, 12:41 PM
Well I'm having trouble with the VideoFX feature it just won't open.I don't see a start button at the bottom of the screen nor do I see an option for "autohide".I have a less sophisticated program I don't know if that makes a difference.
MSmart wrote on 7/9/2010, 12:52 PM
@lovelyclana, you can try holding down the Ctrl and Shift keys at the same time while launching VMS to reset the settings back to factory default. Maybe that will reset the VideoFX window size/location and allow you to see it.

If you've made any changes in Tools > Options, you'll have to change them back.
Jett wrote on 2/28/2023, 12:32 PM

I'm on Vegas 13 and the same thing you described is happening to me! Expect mines not popping up at all! I've had this program for 7 yrs and not once its done this to me I have already reset Sony Vegas13 to its default and nothings worked!! Tools> Options doesn't work either! and no its not the tab off the pc screen either (Not hiding under the taskbar) its a "Bug" within the program itself or so that's what I'm lead to believe... there is no resolution that I've found yet.. I'm very disappointed that it "stopped working yesterday" outta nowhere! 😖

EricLNZ wrote on 2/28/2023, 4:10 PM

@Jett This is an old thread you've posted in. Suggest you start a new thread for your problem as you are more likely to get responses that way.

Please clearly describe your problem and screen captures can help. Save as jpg and there's an upload button next to the smiley in the response toolbar.

Lastly are you using Vegas Pro 13 or Vegas Movie Studio 13?