They just have ... it's called Mocha Vegas, a collaboration with BorisFX, a leading industry FX company in that field. Mocha Vegas is a trimmed down version of Mocha Pro, a highly regarded program used extensively in the professional TV/movie making world - you can't get better.
A good point @Jack S ... and Vegas Pro has had that in various forms since VP18 (I think it was). But even with the inbuilt tracker, it was never an instant 'press-the-button' process - it still took processing time. The final result is the most important thing - try both methods and decide which method works best for you for that particular task.
Whoops, motion tracking was introduced in Vegas Pro 17.
>it still took processing time As does Runway. It is just that it superficially hides this fact (tracking only starts when the playhead moves).
And the Runway motion tracking is a point tracker, so can only track location; can't do rotation, or shape, or size or perspective (as far as I know). Which is one of the reasons that both the Vegas native tracker and Mocha are slightly more complex to use
I'd agree with Jack S that for a simple track like this, the native tracker works fine, although I guess it could be argued that linking text to that track is little harder
>Whoops, motion tracking was introduced in Vegas Pro 17. 16, I think
Former user
wrote on 9/14/2023, 10:01 AM
@Roger Bansemer I bought Mocha Pro yrs ago & have 0 regrets, agreed 'you can't get better',
They've had to tweak Mocha Pro to make Vegas Mocha & from what I've seen so far (i'm still on VP20) it does have a few steps to use it, Mocha Pro is easier to use as far as simple tracking is concerned.
In a way you're right but you can't compare Mocha with the simple tracker in your vid. I think your argument should be Vegas Motion Tracker vs the tracker in your vid.
>Whoops, motion tracking was introduced in Vegas Pro 17. 16, I think
There's no mention in VP16's user manual under 'What's New' of Motion Tracking being a new feature, but there is in VP17's user manual's 'What's new' list.