Moving on...

pwppch wrote on 4/15/2016, 8:23 AM
Wanted to drop a note to the forum users that I am no longer a part of SCS.

It was just over 19 years ago that I started for Sonic Foundry. Along the way we created some great products. I met a lot of loyal and passionate users here. I always enjoyed being part of the discussion, debate, and hope I helped.

The users was why I did this. These forums were always important to me.

Thanks for all of the passion.

Peter 'SonyPCH' Haller


JMacSTL wrote on 4/29/2016, 12:14 PM
Sigh. Thanks for all you have done to help us out. Cheers and good luck.

jmm in stl

Windows10 with Vegas 11 Pro (most recent build). Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.90 GHz, 32GB ram, separate audio and video disks. Also Vegas 17 Pro on same system. GPU: NVDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER. Dynamic RAM preview=OFF.