MPEG 2 Render Time

chauffer wrote on 11/6/2002, 9:44 PM
Hello to all out first time active on the forum.

Bought VV3 2 Weeks ago and havent stopped playing since. Had a go today at rendering a piece of footage to MPEG2 - DVD PAL.
The footage in question was 2 minutes long direct from DV Camera to the timeline with nothing done to it ie titles, transitions,etc. The rendering time was 10 minutes give or take a few seconds.

The settings used in Mainconcept diolog box were recommended by another forum user and were as follows....

Default settings with the exception of..
VBR MAX 8,000,000
MIN 200,000
AVG 6000,000
Video Qaulity slider set to 31
DC Coefficient 10 Bit

Computer specs..Athlon 2200+, 512 DDR, ATI 8500 Graphics 80Gig 7200 HD

I'm just wondering if anyone knowledgable out there can tell me if 10 minutes is,
1.Fast 2. Slow or 3. About average



PeterMac wrote on 11/7/2002, 4:27 AM
The answer is 3.

Depending on the speed of your machine, Vegas takes between five and six times longer to encode footage than its actual run time.

Content yourself with the fact that, though some encoders might be quicker, none is as good. Believe me. I've looked.

pmklein wrote on 11/7/2002, 7:54 AM
Yes, this is about average. MPEG 2 rendering is a load-hogging procedure. Sit back and enjoy the free time.
CasaLoma wrote on 11/7/2002, 11:03 AM
I use Vegas to build my projects , then render to avi.
I then use my Premiere set up, which includes a Canopus Storm card to create my MPEGS (1 and 2) A 10 minute AVI will encode in 8-9 minutes on my current set up. (Current setup: P4 2.2, 512 1066 RDRAM, 160 gig raid ..etc) Because of its speed I can aford do multiple pass VBR and if I dont think the quality is as good as I'd like, I can re-encode in 10 minutes. Of course you still have the time to wait for your avi to render in Vegas. This setup works well for me but really, $1000 for the Canopus card and all I use it for is encoding and output. Premieres' user interface is a joke compared to Vegas. I can get twice as much done in Vegas as Premiere and it still hasnt crashed on me..a hourly occurence in Premiere. Another option would be to encode using a Cinema Craft encoder. They are incredibly fast but also very expensive. CCE Lite is OK, no VBR, only CBR but its fast and almost affordable , around $300.
vonhosen wrote on 11/7/2002, 11:16 AM
Canopus' software encoder "Procoder" gets rave reviews & also has a handy NTSC to PAL convert facility in it (+ some filters)