MPEG2 Bitrate crashes above 2300

aussiemick wrote on 8/9/2002, 2:23 AM
When I render Mpeg2's from the timeline I cannot get the to render above 2300kbs/sec
and then only with VBR.This problem occurs always in the latter half of the render mostly towards the end and it has occurred on every Mpeg2 render I have done.Explorer and Systray are the only programs running besides Vegas. The disk has been defraged.Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong.Thanks for any help.


SonyEPM wrote on 8/9/2002, 9:35 AM
Are you using Vegas the 3.0c update?
aussiemick wrote on 8/10/2002, 4:39 AM
Yes I am using Vegas3.0c.
SonyEPM wrote on 8/12/2002, 8:45 AM
Your problem could be due to a problem source file on the timeline. Please create a new, clean project, add a single text event to the timeline. Try to encode that using the MPEG settings you have had problems with. Does Vegas finish the encode?
aussiemick wrote on 8/12/2002, 4:56 PM
Idid the test you said. When I put it through at 2600 CBR it went through but I tried it at 4000 CBR and it crashed, maybe thats too high but I did want to try an XSVCD. Thanks for keeping my problem in mind.
pelvis wrote on 8/12/2002, 10:21 PM
Do you have a K6 processor by chance?
aussiemick wrote on 8/14/2002, 2:50 AM
I have a Pentium 4 1.7ghz.I did further tests and found that the text test failed
after 3,900,000. I do not know if this is the limit for XSVCD.But what still interests me is why I have failures with more complicated renders as it fails consistantly with my MPEG 2 renders above 2,300,000 bits. Do I have to watch how I put my timeline together or am I making a consistant mistake that causes the problem.
SonyEPM wrote on 8/14/2002, 8:42 AM
You should be able to render any project to any setting. Please send the project (.veg) file to and I'll take a look.