multi-channels files

farina wrote on 7/4/1999, 12:01 PM
I am quite disappointed of the fact tha vegas pro does not
support multi-channels .WAV files.
What kind of multi-track software is that? It seems it can
manage only traditional stereo (two-channels) files...
Do You know that Microsoft finalized the new Wave-EX file
format? More info is at
I was expecting for true multi-channels support, without it
Vegas is nothing better than CoolEditPro...
This means that Vegas should be able to:
1) Open multi-channel WAV files WITHOUT splitting them in
separate stereo or mono waveforms
2) Support multi-channel panning rules according to
predefinite speaker assignement or hierarchical file
formats (such as Ambisonics B-format).
3) Decode on-the-fly hierarchical file formats over multi-
channel sound boards
4) Save back the results of the editing operation in a
single, new multi-channel WAV file.

Without these features, Vegas is suitable only for editing
standard stereo signals, it does not give anything new to
the exploding world of multi-channel audio and surround

Angelo Farina


pwppch wrote on 7/4/1999, 6:36 PM
Sorry that you feel Vegas is not usable with out these features.

While all that you want are going to be considered in future versions, I must point out that Vegas Pro 1.0 is a mono/stereo editor, not a surround editing tool.

The new positional audio spec from Microsoft was only finalized with in the last two months. There was just not enough time to adopt this new standard and still meet the Vegas ship date. We were very aware of the spec and had advanced input on the specification.

It was felt that until it was finalized that we could not commit to it for our version 1.0 of Vegas. As you are probably aware, Sonic Foundry always follows new standardards where they are applicable. We will be reviewing and considering the new positional audio formats that have been defined for a future version of Vegas.

Q: What tools do you currently use that support all of these features? Specifically, what tool will generate and read multi channel interleaved audio files? I know that our Soft Encode will read 6 channel interleaved, but I am not aware of any tool to generate multi channel files.


Angelo Farina wrote:
>>I am quite disappointed of the fact tha vegas pro does not
>>support multi-channels .WAV files.
>>What kind of multi-track software is that? It seems it can
>>manage only traditional stereo (two-channels) files...
>>Do You know that Microsoft finalized the new Wave-EX file
>>format? More info is at
>>I was expecting for true multi-channels support, without it
>>Vegas is nothing better than CoolEditPro...
>>This means that Vegas should be able to:
>>1) Open multi-channel WAV files WITHOUT splitting them in
>>separate stereo or mono waveforms
>>2) Support multi-channel panning rules according to
>>predefinite speaker assignement or hierarchical file
>>formats (such as Ambisonics B-format).
>>3) Decode on-the-fly hierarchical file formats over multi-
>>channel sound boards
>>4) Save back the results of the editing operation in a
>>single, new multi-channel WAV file.
>>Without these features, Vegas is suitable only for editing
>>standard stereo signals, it does not give anything new to
>>the exploding world of multi-channel audio and surround
>>Angelo Farina
farina wrote on 7/16/1999, 5:16 PM
I am employing the free software supplied by Richard Dobson. It is called the
MultiChannel ToolKit. It is a suite of Console-based executables, with no user
interface, but they do the job!
I suggest that You visit the Dobson web site, at

I am also employing AudioMulch (Http.// . This one still
does not support multi-channels .WAV files, but the multi-channels processing
can be done in real time employing multiple inputs and outputs of my Layla
sound board. The author (Ross Bencina) is still writing the code for multi-
channel file I/O.


Angelo Farina

Peter Haller wrote:
>>Q: What tools do you currently use that support all of these features?
Specifically, what tool will generate and read multi channel interleaved audio
files? I know that our Soft Encode will read 6 channel interleaved, but I am
not aware of any tool to generate multi channel files.