My son's tribute to the victims of violence in Orl

Laurence wrote on 6/14/2016, 1:54 PM
My son Davin Kingston just wrote, recorded and posted this tribute to the Christina Grimmie and the victims of the Pulse shooting in Orlando this past weekend. We lived just outside of Orlando until recently and he and I saw Tommy Emmanuel twice there. My daughter lives about three miles from the Pulse club.

This video has about 60 plays on Youtube, but over 15k on Facebook where he also posted it.

[i]Edit: changed the link to Facebook instead of Youtube. [/ii]


Former user wrote on 6/14/2016, 2:17 PM
Very nice! You have a talented son.
musicvid10 wrote on 6/14/2016, 2:49 PM
Heartfelt and appreciated.


FixitMad0 wrote on 6/14/2016, 3:00 PM
+1 Very well done! Thanks for sharing.
Byron K wrote on 6/14/2016, 6:30 PM
Nice tune. Keep up the good work!
PeterWright wrote on 6/14/2016, 7:09 PM
Very nicely put together Laurence.

It's something the world is feeling, but must be so hard when friends were victims.
Laurence wrote on 6/15/2016, 1:38 AM
I really had very little to do with this. I shot the video while he recorded except for the guitar shots of me which he shot and recorded. I gave him a chip of video clips and he edited them (in Vegas). The music as all him except for the two guitar tracks.

Next to no Youtube plays, but it's at 21.1k and climbing on Facebook with 566 likes and 388 shares! Over 6,000 of those plays have been in the past 12 hours.

Dr Zen wrote on 6/15/2016, 12:20 PM
Thanks for sharing Laurence !
I have just shared your son's video with my own Twitter, G+ and Facebook communities.
You have a wonderful son and are blessed.
Cheers :)
Spectralis wrote on 6/15/2016, 12:47 PM
Well produced, well sung and great tribute to those who sadly died. Thanks for sharing this.
Laurence wrote on 6/16/2016, 1:50 PM
I just changed the link in the original post to the Facebook rather than YouTube link since that is where all the action seems to be. 37.8k views, 1.1k likes, and 793 shares as I post this.
Laurence wrote on 6/16/2016, 1:51 PM
Edited in Vegas by the way.
Laurence wrote on 6/16/2016, 5:47 PM
It just hit 40k views.
Laurence wrote on 6/17/2016, 6:15 PM
Make that 50k! With 1.5k likes and 1k shares. A lot of the comments are names, which are really just shares!
MTuggy wrote on 6/18/2016, 10:46 PM
Pass along my thanks, beautifully composed and produced.
