NBT Update

Derm wrote on 4/27/2012, 2:06 PM

Latest available version 1.1 Build 120411.

General Updates [Windows]:

Improved, higher-quality anti-aliasing
Added Safe Margin and Grid lines to preview options
Added Show/Hide button on style layers, effects and transitions
Improved smooth motion curves for keyframing
Updated duration field for easier entry
Improved copy/paste functionality
Improved scaling controls for shapes that are used within paragraphs
Resolved issue with Tab key entry in paragraphs for ‘column’ functionality
Improved rotation/scale controls for paragraphs and shapes
When adding a texture, filenames are now shown for reference
Resolved issue where Scale parameters were not being recorded in shape keyframes
Updates for Sony Vegas Pro

Improved reliability with Vegas Pro's own preset functionality

P.S. Upon downloading this file, windows does not recognise the file type (on my pc at least), so I renamed it .exe and it works.


NicolSD wrote on 4/27/2012, 2:48 PM
The file doesn't have any extension at all - NewBlue goofed. All we have to do is add the .exe extention and all is fine.
Leee wrote on 4/27/2012, 2:56 PM
Okay, I've griped about this many times before and I'll gripe about it again until NewBlueFX gets their act together. First I'm wondering how you found out about this new update? Do I already have this latest update? I don't know because the file name is just ".....Setup10.exe" Did you receive an email that an update was available? (I did not) In fact the ONLY way I find out that there are new updates available is right here in this forum. NewBlue's website is a total waste of time if you are trying to find out if you have the latest installation. And finally what is with that very long and very obscure URL? Can't NewBlueFX get organized and maybe make it a little easier to keep track of what version you have or what version you need to get? Is that really asking too much?!?!

[/rant-gripe end]
paul_w wrote on 4/27/2012, 5:16 PM
ot: This forum page is very wide.. thats odd.

Installed NB on my laptop - instant crash on exit, every single time. Multiple crash reports sent with 'phone home' dialog.
Next test is the main machine...

edit1: this version was already on my computer, why is this being emailed as a new update?.

edit2: now checked with main PC, exactly the same as before. Crash on copy/paste. Hardly suprising... its the SAME version as before. Why is this being posted to vegas users as a update?? /confused.


Ros wrote on 4/27/2012, 6:01 PM
I don't get it, I just got the CORRECTION email which once downloaded and installed shows up has version 120402 which I had downloaded and installed several weeks ago.

Inside NBTP, If I check for updates, it shows me: Latest available version 1.1 Build 120411 with a download link which I assume is the windows version (NewBlueTitlerProForWindowsSetup10.exe) and not the Vegas version (NewBlueTitlerProForSonyVegas11Setup.exe)

So any updates for Vegas 11 other than 120402?

EDIT: got my answer over at DVINFO: A new version of Titler Pro has been released. This new version is for all NLE's. However, Vegas Pro users should stay with version 120402 found at NewBlue Titler Pro (posted by Edward)

So the check for updates inside NBTP is leading you to the wrong file.... but then if you scroll down the list of features, at the bottom: - Vegas Users: Please use the Vegas Pro 11 version (build 120402) with all of these same updates found here: http://www.newbluefx.com/so/sonytitlerpro

Barry W. Hull wrote on 4/27/2012, 6:36 PM
I recieved an email from NewBlue. Maybe you need to sign up with them, create an account, as I did.

Nevertheless, they sent me an email about the update.

PixelStuff wrote on 4/27/2012, 6:39 PM
From within you NewBlue Titler Pro application/plugin you can select the menu "Help > Check for Updates" and it will check for new versions and give the information listed in the first post.
JohnAsh wrote on 4/28/2012, 1:05 AM
Received this Email this morning:
"Hello JohnAsh,

Earlier this morning we sent an email with a link to update Titler Pro. Well, wouldn’t you know we accidentally forgot to include a link to the Titler Pro update for Vegas Pro 11 users in our email this morning. Please find this updated link below. We apologize for the oversight and any confusion we may have caused you."

with this link "Download Titler 1.0 Vegas Update":- http://app.streamsend.com/c/16128793/31985/EDegBdg/kTxG?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newbluefx.com%2Fdownloads%2FSony%2FNewBlueTitlerProForSonyVegas11Setup.exe

Dare I install this, given the horror stories I've read? Or were the horrors brought on by installing the wrong update, I wonder?
Leee wrote on 4/28/2012, 11:32 AM
I recieved an email from NewBlue. Maybe you need to sign up with them, create an account, as I did.

I do have an account, in fact I have about 7 registered plugins from NewBlueFX, including Titler Pro. I get a lot of their spam emails but never any update information. Hmmm, must be a glich or oversight in their system.....how shocking!
Arthur.S wrote on 4/29/2012, 6:59 AM
I've been with NB since Essentials 1, and have found them to be reliable and very easy/quick to use. This saga with the titler plug-in though is a complete dogs dinner. It's been amateurish beyond belief from the very start. I too get loads of spam from them - but no update info. If anyone from NB monitors these boards, for the record, I won't be considering ANY more NB products until I see some faith in the products restored. I doubt I'm the only one here with that attitude. You're killing yourselves.
edenilson wrote on 4/29/2012, 3:29 PM
new blue titler closed vegas..
newblue titler badddddddd.
Dave McCallister wrote on 4/29/2012, 5:39 PM
Has anyone tried using the 120411 generic Windows update to see if it's more stable than the Vegas-authorized 120402? Since 120402 refers to 120411 as the next update, it must at least work.

If you've tried it, does it ask for the serial number?

I realize NB has backtracked on their first email, calling 120402 a new Vegas update when in fact it's been out there for awhile. The emails, which I appreciated getting, only add confusion.

I installed the "latest" 120402 (dig out the serial number again) and it crashes Vegas about half the time when any attempt is made to change a title's parameters. Some crashes only dump Vegas, others give me the BSOD.

It's a roll of the dice: make a change, save immediately before the crash, wait for the reboot, try again, etc. Total waste of time.

Given NB's refusal to use build numbers in filenames, it's clear that there are some screws loose at what was once a highly respected plugin company. Why is NB management so user-hostile?

NB please listen: what we want is STABILITY.

Win7/64 Vegas 11 Build 595 24gigs RAM Core i7-980X GTX460
NicolSD wrote on 4/29/2012, 6:03 PM
NBT works fine on my machine. I had one problem with the version prior to 120402. It would lock Vegas up if I tried to do just about anything before going to the Library. But this last version fixed the problem and NBT works perfectly for me.

I guess I am one of the lucky ones.
Ros wrote on 4/29/2012, 8:16 PM
Same goes here, with version 120402, NBTP is working very well. No crashes so far and the improvements makes it finally useable, but......Vegas 11 is still crashing unexpectedly and this has nothing to do with NBTP IMO.

While V10 has been very solid for me, I did give V11 595 a try on a small paid project where it would crash when rendering to mpeg2 with GPU on, so I had to turn it off to complete the renders. It would also crash on occasions for no particular reasons. So I will not be using NBTP much since I am back to V10 for serious work.

Mind you that tonight I changed the Vegas autosave value of 5 minutes to autosave every minute and will see if that helps out.


cybercom wrote on 4/29/2012, 10:03 PM
I can get NBT to crash if I add it as a video effect to a clip - but if I add it to an empty track at the top of everything else as a "Media Generator" it has been working fine.


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jetdv wrote on 4/30/2012, 4:17 PM
You do NOT want to install build 120411. We found an issue with 120411 and Vegas properly saving titles that is correct in build 120402 which is why the corrected e-mail was sent. The 120402 build has all the same updates mentioned in the e-mail - basically Vegas users got it first.
jetdv wrote on 4/30/2012, 4:21 PM
cybercom, I just added the effect to a clip and everything worked perfectly. Can you please start a help ticket at newbluefx with more details?
Dave McCallister wrote on 4/30/2012, 5:35 PM
NB seems bent on perpetuating confusion.

If Vegas users should not install 120411, perhaps consider removing that update advice from your updating system. I would hope you can tell when a Vegas version is "phoning home" and could simply tell 120402 users to be happy with what they have.

I am still waiting for a cogent reason why NB refuses to add build numbers to their new versions. Not to point out the obvious, but Vegas ALWAYS does this. Please enlighten us!

jetdv wrote on 5/1/2012, 12:52 PM
It's not quite that easy. There is a line in the 120411 list telling Vegas users to stay on build 120402.

Version numbers are under discussion. It's more difficult than it looks at first glance but it is definitely a topic of discussion as to how this might be added.
Leee wrote on 5/1/2012, 1:18 PM
It's not quite that easy. There is a line in the 120411 list telling Vegas users to stay on build 120402.

jetdv, this is not speaking out of rudeness or malice, but out of frustration....extreme frustration. You guys have been "talking" about implementing version numbers on your website and within file names for a very long time now and quite honestly all we are hearing are excuses and "it's not that easy". Maybe it's not easy, but NewBlueFX is a professional company and has a commitment to its customers. As it was already pointed out, other software companies seem to have no problem letting their customers know exactly what version number is available online and what version number they are downloading. In fact NewBlue is probably one of the ONLY companies that I've seen that doesn't have a quick and easy to read version numbering system.

If it's too hard for you guys to do I suggest you hire some freelance consultants to get it done for you. You have several fires to put out before your customers can truly feel confident again, it seems like adding a version number next to the products on your website and including them in file names should be the smallest fire to put out (as compared to trying to fix thousands of lines of code)

I've said this many times before, I used to be one of NewBlueFX's biggest fanboys, I constantly sang the praises on how much better your Chroma Key plugin was compared to most other companies. Your UI is clean and easy to navigate and you offer a wide range of plugins that really enhance the overall Vegas experience. I don't know what went wrong or whose side of the fence it fell upon (NewBlue or Sony) but you need to salvage your reputation and stop coming up with "we're discussing it" and complaining how difficult something is and just GET IT DONE! Your customers don't want excuses they want products that work!
[r]Evolution wrote on 5/1/2012, 4:53 PM
Version numbers are under discussion. It's more difficult than it looks at first glance but it is definitely a topic of discussion as to how this might be added.

geez... just put it on the Splash/About Screen & in the Text of the Dowload on your site.
Tech Diver wrote on 5/1/2012, 6:22 PM
Prior to my current research role at a university, I spent about three decades as a vice president or director of engineering at a number of major corporations. During that time, I also had the responsibility of assessing companies that we were considering for acquisition. I consistently found that when a company did not have software/firmware version control, it was highly representative of a general company-wide lack of organization and discipline. As such, we would quickly eliminate them from our potential acquisition list.

From my cursory observations of NewBlue, everything I see points to such a case. What always surprises me is how those who are caught up in these sort of organizations (or more correctly, disorganizations) are so blind to their problems.

AtomicGreymon wrote on 5/1/2012, 6:57 PM
I have to admit, I do agree with the above post. I like to keep the installers for my primary software backed up on my hard drive for when I may need to reinstall, so I like keeping them up-to-date and knowing when there's an update. But all NewBlue has on their site for TitlerPro is a giant download button, and no information whatsoever about version numbers or builds, and definitely no version history.
Leee wrote on 5/1/2012, 10:06 PM
(Sorry I was trying to link some images, but I can't seem to get the code correct)
NicolSD wrote on 5/2/2012, 12:22 AM
AtomicGreymon wrote: "I like to keep the installers for my primary software backed up on my hard drive for when I may need to reinstall, so I like keeping them up-to-date and knowing when there's an update."

I do the same thing with all my software. I have a special directory on a hard drive where I keep all my files and copies of the emails sent to me with the activation code. It comes in very handy when you have to do a reinstall.