Need an Izotope editor

musicvid10 wrote on 5/2/2013, 12:18 PM
I have a 3-4 minute orchestra track that is messed up because of a loose connection on the digital piano. It pops and clicks throughout. I really need an experienced Izotope editor to clean it up.

The vocal master tracks are separate, and sound fine. So the vocal bleed on the orchestra track is muffled and inconsequential; all I'm concerned with is the instruments.

Any takers? I could afford a modest donation, but not much since it looks like I'll be unemployed in a month. We can do the handoff on Dropbox. I think it's AC3 in its present form


bdg wrote on 5/2/2013, 12:55 PM
If no one else can help I could see if I can do anything with Spectral Layers.
I have almost no experience in SL (I just bought it last week)
SL does not support AC3 so you would have to provide a wav or something else.

Unfortunately the waveforms generated by a loose connection may be too violent to do anything worthwhile with.
Steven Myers wrote on 5/2/2013, 12:58 PM
I'll take a shot at it.
Grazie wrote on 5/2/2013, 1:00 PM
Yup. I'm in.

musicvid10 wrote on 5/2/2013, 1:58 PM
Oh, this is bad. If anyone can improve it, you should be nominated for sainthood.
Woodenmike wrote on 5/2/2013, 2:11 PM
I've had RX2 for a while now, but need to figure out how to use it...anyone find any video tutorials on it anywhere? I think spectral layers could remove it the noise, but being loose connections, there will be a drop out of the sound which would have to be replaced with...?
Grazie wrote on 5/2/2013, 3:12 PM
O...K... It's nasty . . . But.... I have isolated the Graphical Peaks and am attempting to remove the freqs.

Nice . . . . .

See my 3 RED dashes at top of Pic, now follow them down INTO the 3 "ghosts" on the Waveform - that's the noise:-


Grazie wrote on 5/2/2013, 4:07 PM
OK, it does sound rather better . .

I've Q&A-ed it on a Vegas T/L too. I can see the noise in the original and the absence in the iZO treatment.



Grazie wrote on 5/2/2013, 4:14 PM
Here's the Graphical Q&A in VP12. You can see the RED dashes I've added to identify some of 7,500 anomalies removed! :-


rs170a wrote on 5/2/2013, 6:41 PM
I've had RX2 for a while now, but need to figure out how to use it...anyone find any video tutorials on it anywhere?

Woodenmike, there are lots of tutorials on the iZotope YouTube site.

musicvid10 wrote on 5/2/2013, 10:37 PM
Grazie, you are hereby dubbed Sir Grazie.
Much better than expected, and totally usable.
FWIW (a community production of JCS), I'll post a remix soon. Fortunately, we changed a cable between songs, and the rest is good.
Laurence wrote on 5/2/2013, 11:27 PM
That really is just amazing. Yeah, I've seen the dog barking and glasses clinking demos, but this is real world and it actually worked! So very cool!
Grazie wrote on 5/3/2013, 1:25 AM
Mike, yes there are tutes out there, but it ain't just about "using" the toolset, it is mostly about putting one's ears-on and clambering through the freqs to ascertain just what I could/should be honing-in on. And THAT I am continually learning and re-learning.

Knowing "how" a tool works is not the same as selecting a "hammer" where a cross-cut saw is required. The piece I worked on here ( or is that 'hear' - lol!), I may have audition samples from some 20 to 30 areas; tried out some really dumb-bottom approaches; tweaked the graphical view; deleted and re-deleted other areas; did broadband analysis and generally threw many attempts out of the window. Not until I was able to isolate those "ghosts" - that's my word, it aint a sound engineer's techie term - that the most appropriate approach started to appear.

I've been using iZoRx since it came out, and every time I use it I learn something new. This was a prime example where I learnt more.



Woodenmike wrote on 5/3/2013, 11:47 AM
Thanks for the info and Grazie, it looks like you nailed it! I do keep at a problem until I can figure it out or else deem it hopeless, but I find for myself that seeing how something works before using it for work makes it easier for me to know where to look for the correct tools. Unfortunately, when i need some of these tools it is crunch time without a lot of time to spare. Grazie, were you able to work on all those pops en mass, or did you have to tackle them one at a time?

Does anyone here know if the new Sony spectraLayers is basically the same as the spectral repair tool in RX2? I appears to be from the promotional videos I've watched.
Grazie wrote on 5/3/2013, 11:52 AM
I spent time nailing the actual "ghost" and then zapped the whole lot at once.


Barry W. Hull wrote on 5/3/2013, 5:31 PM
Now I know who to call when I have a serious audio problem.
earthrisers wrote on 5/3/2013, 6:26 PM
I hope the new Pope Francis isn't so busy that he has to put off scheduling the canonization of Grazie as a saint...
musicvid10 wrote on 5/3/2013, 6:53 PM
Actually, we decided on knighthood. More perks.
musicvid10 wrote on 5/7/2013, 1:52 PM
Grazie, feel like playing?

This is an ambient recording of the same, made from the back of the room. Oh, did I say it was bad?

johnmeyer wrote on 5/7/2013, 3:26 PM
My stab at this problem:

simonAmbientTemp (fixed - Meyer).wav

Did two separate passes with the iZotope RX2 denoiser (the hum reduction is useless because the hum harmonics go to infinity). I used relatively low settings for each pass. This multiple-pass approach is something recommended by both iZotope and also Sonic Foundry/Sony with their NR plugin.

I then used Spectral Repair to remove several nasty transients during the opening section.

Any idea how you got so much buzz into this? I had this happen once during a wedding rehearsal dinner that was held next to the John Hancock tower in Chicago. To this day I'm not sure if it was interference from all the transmitters nearby, or if it was simply noise from the light dimmer system, but it fed right into my camera's on-board mic (I wasn't connected to anything else, and was running on battery power). I couldn't do anything with it using SoundForge NR, but iZotope had just come out, and working with one of their engineers, he helped me find settings that performed absolute miracles.
musicvid10 wrote on 5/7/2013, 6:17 PM
There were fluorescent dimmers in the booth and an "apparent" ground loop somewhere.

The other problem was a short in the keyboard DI line. I'll check out the fix, thanks John!