
PipelineAudio wrote on 6/6/2004, 11:29 AM
use sound forge, the resample function, and choose "set sample rate only, do not resample"
datman wrote on 6/6/2004, 1:16 PM
I tried that. I set it tp 96,Then It's way to fast. I set it to 24 and that made it closer. If I leave it alone it will play at the right pitch but the clock is running about half speed. Can't use digital out between computers. I can play it in real time through the analog outs and rerecord it. There seems to some math involved. I thought if I slowed it down by half (24)then resample back up to 48. but it's more complicated than that
datman wrote on 6/6/2004, 1:51 PM
now i'm resampling to 96. it's taking forever 10+ gig file. then set it to 48 not resample. I'm hoping that will work
datman wrote on 6/6/2004, 3:51 PM
yep that worked. anyone think I will lose sound quality from the up and down sampling?
drbam wrote on 6/6/2004, 4:46 PM
>>anyone think I will lose sound quality from the up and down sampling? <<

What do your ears tell you? Its really the only important factor. Usually when something is "salvaged" in some way, there's a trade-off. Perhaps there's some degradation from the resampling you did, but if it sounds ok then it is. My 2 cents. . .

datman wrote on 6/7/2004, 8:13 AM
well it sounds pretty good. If there is any loss it's not much