Need help with VidFX

kameronj wrote on 4/25/2003, 5:24 PM
Okay...I figured out how to do a good "make me disappear" fade out. It's a fun little video Fx. But I can't figure out how to do the next step. Here is what I'm trying to do.

Okay...say you are sitting at a table. And then all of a sudden a can of beer starts to materialize right in front of your eyes! (Okay...substitute beer for anything you want.)

I know there should be a way to layer the video to make this "Fade in" - then of course I could do a jump cut to have me and the "beer" interact me drink it!! :-)

But I can't figure this one out.

( the way)


Either hit a reply here or e-mail me over at:



GaryKleiner wrote on 4/25/2003, 7:01 PM
You may be overthinking this one. A simple dissolve will give you the effect, assuming that the camera is locked down. Other transitions may enhance the effect.

Gary Kleiner
kameronj wrote on 4/25/2003, 7:24 PM
I was thinking that too. But you are right - I'm probably over thinking it.

So here is what I'm doing:

I have the camera locked down and I shoot a scene with me.
Then I exit the scence and do a shot of the object (to dissolve in)

But...when I edit in VV I only either get the object dissolve in (and me dissolve out) - but not both tracks running at the same time.

I was thinking alpha channel - but that only makes me and the object half dissolved.

So I guess I'm trying to figure out how to have multiple tracks (with the camera locked) to layer.

Bear wrote on 4/25/2003, 7:31 PM
Use a long cross fade from one scene to the other and you will slowly fade out you can adjust the rate of fade by the legnth of the crossfade.
kameronj wrote on 4/25/2003, 7:34 PM
Good idea...but I don't want to fade out. I just want the other object to fade in.
FadeToBlack wrote on 4/25/2003, 7:51 PM
kameronj wrote on 4/25/2003, 8:16 PM
That's it!!

I didn't event think about a mask!!

I'll give that a shot!!

Thanks for the tip!!
FadeToBlack wrote on 4/25/2003, 9:06 PM
kameronj wrote on 4/26/2003, 8:46 PM
Yup...that did it.

I played around with it yesterday - and cheated...fading in a picture cut out of the video. That didn't turn out too neat when it made the transfer back to tape to play on the big screen. You could really tell it was a picture.

But...I cookie cutted (first) the video and it worked okay. But the preset sizes were not what I I matted that bad boy and it works just peachy!!

Thanks ya'll!!
FadeToBlack wrote on 4/26/2003, 9:58 PM
kameronj wrote on 4/26/2003, 11:02 PM
Thanks....I'll give that a whirl in the AM.