Need URL's of Professionals using Vegas

HPV wrote on 4/26/2003, 11:05 PM
Over on the newsgroup, there are some people claiming nobody uses Vegas for professional work. So I said I'd produce a list of URLs to show they are wrong. Doesn't make a squat of a difference to me, but to name droppers it does. Hate to see a good product get dragged thru the dirt. Or someone not buy it because of bad info.
So, if you know of or own a production company that uses Vegas as the main NLE app., zap back a URL here. If you want to get into the conversation, bounce over to the rvd newsgroup and jump in. This is a great place to show the world who the Vegas users are. Try to stay to the point with minimal "cheerleading". The subject titling is "Need help deciding between Vegas and Premiere".
Heck, maybe Sofo could build a list from the sites that get posted on this thread.
Here is the URL's I've posted so far.

Craig Holtorf


vicmilt wrote on 4/27/2003, 6:48 AM
Have put my AVID Media Composer 8000 and After Effect Production bundle on a shelf.

Everything now being done in Vegas Video.

Victor Milt, DGA
kameronj wrote on 4/27/2003, 11:06 AM
Although not advertised on my site (just yet) doing video productions using VV.

Am just learning the app now - but should go "public" with work within the month.

(Guess it helps if I give the URL, huh???)
Luxo wrote on 4/27/2003, 11:14 AM
slacy wrote on 4/27/2003, 11:36 AM
Was that my imagination, or was that Studs Terkel and Roger Ebert in your wedding sample?
kameronj wrote on 4/27/2003, 11:52 AM
Well...that was most definately Mr. Ebert.

Love the shots of Chicago (my sweet home!! Yeeeee haaaa. Oops sorry. That just slipped out!!)
David Settlemoir wrote on 4/27/2003, 1:07 PM
Well I'm making a living as a Free-lancer, and when I edit my own projects I use Vegas. I've also converted a few local Premier users to Vegas.
Jessariah67 wrote on 4/27/2003, 1:31 PM

A job I did for my Chamber of Commerce just won an Aegis award. The project was done in VV (As was everything posted on the site).
Cheno wrote on 4/27/2003, 8:02 PM
who still uses newsgroups anyway?

tell 'em to come over to the real forums if they can do without their porn.

Luxo wrote on 4/28/2003, 5:05 PM
Sharp eye. The groom is a journalist for the Tribune and friends with both of them.
kosins wrote on 4/28/2003, 5:43 PM
Vegas 4 and the DVD authoring software is an integral part of the special event services we provide. It'd take some pretty brave fella to try and pry it out of my hands...........:o)
kellycooper wrote on 4/28/2003, 5:50 PM

We have done over 300 corporate videos in head to head competitions against Avid, KRON, Premiere, FCP, Pinnacle and many others. We have won hands down. SOme of our videos are on the site for viewing.
d1editor wrote on 4/29/2003, 1:31 AM
Made the move to Vegas some time ago....
jockesweden wrote on 4/29/2003, 4:37 AM
I only uses Sonic Foundrys products. One award winning music video and one award winning 3D short film.
VIDEOGRAM wrote on 4/29/2003, 8:05 AM
I made the move to V4 from Premiere earlyer this year.
I produce mainly local tv commercials here in Ottawa, Canada.
