Hi VEGAS team & community members.
Nested Timeline Creation Process is very slow.
I am ignoring this problem always.
but this time I wanna make it in a post for debate on this.
sometimes it crashed VEGAS too if project is more larger. Like multicamera weddings.
It needs improvements, IMO.
please watch this clip.
please mute audio I forgot to stop songs while recording. sorry about that.
you will see in this clip I create one nested timeline with VEGAS's feature.
and it take long time.
then I tried my way which is simple.
Open another VEGAS,
1. Cut & Paste
2. Save Project
3. Alt + F + C (Close Project)
repeat this steps for every nested project.
and it create my all-nested timelines in all that same long time which VEGAS feature takes for 1 nested timeline.
please check yourself with a large project or just watch my clip.
premier is doing great job in this thing even project is bigger.
so i dont want the VEGAS should be stay behind in this race.
its a most used feature in Video Editing world.
what do u think about this?
thanks in advance.