I just took the plunge today -- the last of my "days off" this week that still falls within the $199 upgrade timeframe. I'm really looking forward to mastering DVDA-2, but also wanted to take a peek at Magic Bullet's "Filmic" plugin and the new network rendering of Vegas 5.
Initial net render observations:
As it stands, the network rendering doesn't suit my needs -- maybe I'm doing things wrong, but -- I'd hoped that the net render would allow me to set a job to render in the background while I continue working (ala rendering from one instance in Vegas, while working in another.)
Instead what I get is a sputtery machine and a cursor that lags significantly between placing it over a button, and the button responding, making it all but impossible to continue editing or do other tasks while net rendering is going on. Depending on the specifics of how the render job is setup, other adverse effects include serious window redraw lag, and problems with windows resizing and changing their placement.
I tried breaking the jobs down to smaller bits -- from 150 frames, to 100 and now 75. Overall this has helped, but the difference in lag among them simply being how long and how frequently my machine gets hung up.
For the record I'm on a dual 1.6ghz AMD rig with a gig of RAM, and most drives are WD 7200rpm 8mb cache. WindowsXP SP2. I defrag often, and run little other than Vegas when rendering.
Is there a way to remedy this? Aside from the obvious answer (get more RAM/faster processors...)
On the positive side -- distributing a job across multiple nodes on the same machine cuts the time of my first test from 8:42 to about 6:17. It'd be helpful if the log screen reported how long a render takes from start of the job to finish of stitching...
As a further annoyance -- for some reason the distributed networking window is now very small, and the only way to choose render nodes and stitching hosts is to maximize the window. There's no middle-ground -- I can either see only the uppermost pulldown box in the window, or it has to cover my entire screen :/ Any way to get it back to its original size? (for some reason I can't just grab the edge of the window and resize it myself)
Here's what it looks like:
Question for BJ_M and others: how do you setup a job to a delayed queue? In other words, say I just want to move along a timeline, selecting multiple regions, and sending them to a render queue, without rendering at this moment in time? Is that possible? I'm looking over the docs and I just don't see it...
Also, as an aside -- Magic Bullet render times are ridiculous. I had a 37 second avi take about thirty minutes net-rendered today. Contrast that with the above 6:17, which is for the same footage with Color Curves, Color Corrector and Zenote's Glow stacked to imitiate the look of MB's "Filmic" filter. I'll probably put a tutorial up with comparisons of the final images soon.
- jim
Initial net render observations:
As it stands, the network rendering doesn't suit my needs -- maybe I'm doing things wrong, but -- I'd hoped that the net render would allow me to set a job to render in the background while I continue working (ala rendering from one instance in Vegas, while working in another.)
Instead what I get is a sputtery machine and a cursor that lags significantly between placing it over a button, and the button responding, making it all but impossible to continue editing or do other tasks while net rendering is going on. Depending on the specifics of how the render job is setup, other adverse effects include serious window redraw lag, and problems with windows resizing and changing their placement.
I tried breaking the jobs down to smaller bits -- from 150 frames, to 100 and now 75. Overall this has helped, but the difference in lag among them simply being how long and how frequently my machine gets hung up.
For the record I'm on a dual 1.6ghz AMD rig with a gig of RAM, and most drives are WD 7200rpm 8mb cache. WindowsXP SP2. I defrag often, and run little other than Vegas when rendering.
Is there a way to remedy this? Aside from the obvious answer (get more RAM/faster processors...)
On the positive side -- distributing a job across multiple nodes on the same machine cuts the time of my first test from 8:42 to about 6:17. It'd be helpful if the log screen reported how long a render takes from start of the job to finish of stitching...
As a further annoyance -- for some reason the distributed networking window is now very small, and the only way to choose render nodes and stitching hosts is to maximize the window. There's no middle-ground -- I can either see only the uppermost pulldown box in the window, or it has to cover my entire screen :/ Any way to get it back to its original size? (for some reason I can't just grab the edge of the window and resize it myself)
Here's what it looks like:
Question for BJ_M and others: how do you setup a job to a delayed queue? In other words, say I just want to move along a timeline, selecting multiple regions, and sending them to a render queue, without rendering at this moment in time? Is that possible? I'm looking over the docs and I just don't see it...
Also, as an aside -- Magic Bullet render times are ridiculous. I had a 37 second avi take about thirty minutes net-rendered today. Contrast that with the above 6:17, which is for the same footage with Color Curves, Color Corrector and Zenote's Glow stacked to imitiate the look of MB's "Filmic" filter. I'll probably put a tutorial up with comparisons of the final images soon.
- jim